Newspaper Articles Pertaining to the
Founding and Growth of Harvey Settlement
Harvey Settlement Index Page
Scanned jpeg images or transcripts of newspaper articles pertaining to the history of Harvey or to previous community anniversary celebrations.
1837 |
Provincial Legislature: House of Assembly: Debates: Location of Emigrants: The New Brunswick Courier, Saint John, Saturday July 29, 1837, Page 1. (Transcript on linked web page) |
1935 |
Harvey District Settled Ninety-eight Years July 13 from Berwick-on-Tweed: Descendants of Men and Women Who Carved Homes Out of Wilderness, Still Live in Progressive York County Community - Founders Walked There From Fredericton. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Monday, July 15, 1935. (768 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7X10 inches). |
1937 |
One Hundred Years of Continuous Progress: Pioneers Reached Harvey in July, One Hundred Years Ago: Blazed Trail Through Wilderness From Fredericton to Harvey Lake - Women and Children Not Taken In Until Following Year - Assistance Given To Early Settlers. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Wednesday, July 14, 1937, p. 4.
Page 1 (615 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7X10 inches).
Page 2 (561 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 5X10 inches). |
1937 |
Emigrants' Manuals Described Harvey District In Early Years: List of Families for Year 1845 - Produce of Community and Resources in 1851 - Interesting Comments on Possibility of Employment of Ordinary Labor. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 14, 1937. (499 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7X11 inches). |
1937 |
Road Report of 1860 Record of Progress: Interesting Sidelight on Development of Harvey Highway Communications: Old Letters Found That Reveal Facts About Early Life. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 14, 1937. (541 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 4.5X10 inches).
Scan of original hand written letter dated 2 Apr 1846 written by George Turner to his daughter enquiring about the state of the road to St. Andrews that is reprinted in this article. (128 k k pop-up, 700 X 403 jpeg; or 200 dpi; 1217 k for printing size 8 X4.7 inches). |
1937 |
Activities in Harvey Fifty Years Ago Resembled Those of Community's Centenary-Year: Files of The Gleaner Give Accounts of School-closing, Weddings, Accidents, Removals and Personal Mention - Honor-list of Superior School - Wails Concerning High Prices. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 14, 1937. (541 kpop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7X10 inches). |
1937 |
How Fiftieth Anniversary Of Harvey Was Celebrated: Account From the Gleaner Files of July, 1887, Tells of Jubilee. Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Wednesday, July 14, 1937, p. 11. (219 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 4.7 X 4.4 inches). |
1937 |
BUSINESS FIRMS HAVE GROWN UP WITH HARVEY: Harvey Business Firms Go Back For Eighty Years: Year 1857 Saw Establishment of Woollen Mills of Briggs and Little - Since That Time Mercantile and Manufacturing Enterprises Have Appeared In Steady Succession - Qualities Which Produce Success Observable. Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Wednesday, July 14, 1937, p. 11.
Page 1 (772 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7.0 X 10 inches.
Page 2 (499 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 4.75 X 10 inches). |
1937 |
Throngs Gather at Harvey For Centennial Observation: Century of Progress Since Founding of Community in 1837 Observed - Notable Gathering Yesterday - Addresses By Lieut. Governor MacLaren, Premier Dysart, Hon. J.B. McNair and Many Others - Thousands Aided in Celebration - Articles of Historic Interest on Display - Many Interesting Features. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 17, 1937, p. 4.
Page 1 (680 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7 X 10 inches.
Page 2 (905 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7 X 10 inches).
Page 3 (788 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7 X 10 inches).
Page 4 (806 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7 X 10 inches).
Page 5 (222 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 2.5 X 6.5 inches).
1937 |
How Contemporary Historians Described Harvey District: Accounts. Tell of Progress Made by Early Settlers of Community. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 17, 1937. (531 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7X10.5 inches). |
1937 |
Harvey Pioneer's Dwelling Reproduced. Captioned newspaper photograph, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday, July 17, 1937, bottom of p. 1. (723 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 2 X 7 inches). Medium sized pop-up image of photograph alone (700 X 451; 455 k); Large sized pop-up image of photograph alone suitable for printing (2316 X 1493; 3828 k). |
1937 |
At the Centennial of Harvey's Founding. Captioned newspaper photograph, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Saturday July 17, 1937, top of p. 1. (219 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 7 X 5.75 inches). Medium-sized pop-up image of Cornelius parade float photograph alone (700 X 423; 128 k). Large-sized pop-up image of Cornelius parade float photograph alone (2324 X 1404; 1484 k). |
1937 |
100 Years of History of Community Depicted in Parade of Floats. Newspaper Article, Unidentified Newspaper, Dated Sunday July 18, 1937, probably published Monday or later. (315 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 2 X 7 inches). |
1937 |
Great Gathering at Lakeside Sunday Afternoon - Several Visiting Clergymen Took Part - Chief Speakers Rev. B. Harvey and Rev. R.J. Kirkland of Harvey - Music Appropriate to the Occasion. Newspaper Article, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Monday, July 19, 1937.
Page 1 (504 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 4.5 X 10.4 inches.
Page 2 (905 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 5 X 10 inches). |
1937 |
As Harvey Founders Honored Founders. Captioned newspaper photograph, Unidentified newspaper, Probably July 19, 1937, (723 k pop-up jpeg; 150 dpi; print size 2 X 7 inches). Medium-sized pop-up image of Cornelius parade float photograph alone (880 X 520; 354 k). Large-sized pop-up image of Cornelius parade float photograph alone (1992 X 1176; 1436 k). Medium-sized pop-up image of Little Settlement parade float photograph alone (885 X 569; 454 k). Large-sized pop-up image of Little Settlement parade float photograph alone (1980 X 1272; 1749 k). |
Page last updated 20 Dec 2008. To contribute items or to make corrections please contact Tim Patterson at tim.patterson@carleton.ca