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Descendents of John Moffitt (28 Jun 1791 - 8 Aug 1859)
and Ellen "Nellie" Davidson (1792 - 12 Nov 1879)
Three generation Moffitt
genealogy in a
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First Immigrant Generation
1. John Moffitt . Born 28 Jun 1791 in Lanton, Scotland. Died 8 Aug 1859. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
He married Ellen "Nellie" Davidson. Born 1792 in Scotland. Died 12 Nov 1879. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. John and Ellen emigrated to Harvey Settlement in 1842. They were farmers, and their land grant was 100 acres on Frog Lake Road.

John Moffitt 28 June 1791 – 8 Aug 1859 and his wife Ellen (Nellie) Davidson 1792 – 12 Nov 1879. The orginal image was a tintype, a process that was only developed in 1856. As John died in 1859 the possible age of the image is nicely bracketed. The tarp used as a background in this photograph is remarkably similar to that found in a similar tintype image of William Patterson and his sons James and Alexander. Based on the apparent age of the Patterson children that photograph was probably taken during the summer months in 1857 (there is grass under foot). An itinerant photography may have passed through Harvey Settlement taking photographs. It is interesting that entrepreneurial photographers were fanning out to rural communities so soon after the tintype technology was developed . The image was not taken at the same place as the Patterson image though as the chair that was used in each image was different. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).
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Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992.
They had the following children:
2 i. Agnes Moffitt
3 ii. Andrew Moffitt
Daughter Agnes and her husband Matthew Piercy came with the original group in 1837. Their other son Andrew came to Harvey Settlement in 1842 with his parents when he was 19.
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