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Dr. Jamieson (1920-1986) - A Man Who Cares
by Dr. William Randall
Reprinted from The Harvey Lionews January, 1993
Writer's Note: The Harvey Lions Club has been the principal financial supporter of the Harvey Historical Association. It is my hope that they and their readers will enjoy some of the interesting bits of information gathered from the stories I am constantly trying to collect, edit and store in the Association's file.
Here is another Lion heard from - the story was written in the Fenlon Falls Gazette, Ontario in 1986. Robert Ernest Jamieson was born March 21, 1920, the first child born to Ross and Dorothy Jamieson of Magaguadavic. He was an outstanding student both in High School and University and is one of Prince William station's outstanding people. Dr. Jamieson died on November 23, 1986.
Dr. R.E. Jamieson of Coboconk is a doctor who-really cares. Now retired, Dr. Jamieson practiced in Coboconk since 1946. He is well-liked and he showed he cared about medicine and his patients. In his honor, the people of Coboconk and area have set up a bursary in his name. The Bursary win be awarded by Fenelon Falls Secondary School, as an award in Science or Medicine to be presented annually to a student living in the area served by Dr. Jamieson.
Due to Dr. Jamieson's recent illness, we (the Gazette) were unable to interview him in person. A dear friend of his, Bill Shields of Coboconk, was kind enough to write his story on Dr. Jamieson. He writes as follows:
Mrs. Millyard was responsible for getting Dr. Jamieson to come to practice in Coboconk in the fall of 1946. At that time he and his wife, Sheila had two small children. Mary and Margaret, and shared the United Church Parsonage with Gordon Pepper who was a Lay Preacher in the United Church.
Dr. Jamieson took over the office area of the late Dr. Millyard in what is now Souter's Variety Store on the east side of the river. This building was always known as the drug store. The doctor in those days mixed his own prescriptions.
Coming from a rural area in New Brunswick. Dr. Jamieson understood the hardships of a rural practice. He served the community, which stretched to the north to Miners Bay, west to Kirkfield, east to Kinmount and south to Rosedale.
In those days during the winter months, Dr. Jamieson would drive as far as he could and then be picked up with a horse and cutter or buggy, to tend the sick, deliver babies and perform minor surgeries. He was completely competent in almost every area of medicine. He never refused to make a house call, regardless of the difficulties, to assist people in need of his expertise.
In 1947, he purchased a home on Albert St. in Coboconk where he and Sheila raised most of their children. Twenty years ago they built a beautiful home on Lightning Point, Balsam Lake, where they continue to enjoy all fourteen of their children.
Even though he was possibly one of the busiest rural doctors in Ontario, 'Doc', as he was fondly known, found time to practice Lionism. He was the charter President of the Coboconk Lions Club in 1954. Then Dr. Jamieson became a zone chairman, Deputy District Governor and then Governor of the whole district. He was possibly the most instrumental person in getting the Coboconk Lions Community Hall built, which has served as the social centre for Coboconk and surrounding area for many years. It also houses the Bexley Township Council Chambers and a Library. A great credit to Coboconk under 'Doc's' leadership.
Dr. Jamieson was also extremely instrumental in the building of the Community Medical Centre, where he practiced for the past 12 years and shared that modem office complex with Dr. Fred Weir, D.D.S. and later, Dr. Wm. McNaull, M.D.
For 40 years he dedicated his time and services to the community. No one could have been more loyal. He was, and is, a great humanitarian.
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