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Elliott, Bruce, 2004-2005: Emigrant Recruitment by the New Brunswick Land
The Pioneer Settlers of Stanley and Harvey.


An unintended genealogical benefit of these disputes was that the ensuing investigations led to the preservation of a number of useful lists of the settlers, designed to bolster one side or other of the arguments:   an abstract of Company money spent on the English settlers, an account of the livestock they owned in 1838, and their signatures on the petition to the House of Lords. (59) 


In November 1836, however, they were willing to overlook their dawning grievances and agreed to compose a letter home to Wooler to be used by the company's agent Mr Nicholson in recruiting more settlers from their home area. (60)   The Company also made liberal use of a volume it had published in London in March containing twelve lithographs of the Stanley settlement, quite the most ambitious publication undertaken by any of the British North American land companies. (61)


(59) C.O. 188/60, ff. 155, 158, reel B-14; C.O. 188/61, ff. 388-9, reel B-15.

(60) C.O. 188/60, ff. 153-4, Stanley, 26 November 1836.

(61) Sketches in New Brunswick (London:   Ackermann & Co., March 1, 1836), CIHM N.36445.