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Descendents of William James Patterson (6 Mar 1812 - 11 Dec 1892)
and Sarah Ann Jane Dibblee (3 May 1820- 8 Nov 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
Entry last updated 4 April 2009
Please contact Tim Patterson (tim.patterson@carleton.ca)
to provide additional data, or to correct any errors.
11. Emily "Olive" Patterson . Daughter of William George Patterson & Margaret Isabella Embleton. Born 24 Jun 1878 in Harvey. Died 26 Jul 1894 in Harvey.
From Harvey Presbyterian Church records: died 26 Jul 1894, age 16 yr. 1 mo., consumption.
From newspaper item, (undated):
Miss E. Olive Patterson, who has been ill of consumption for some time past, died last Thursday morning. She was in her seventeenth year, and was a very fine girl, and much sorrow is felt at her early death. A large number of the Royal Templars of Temperance, of which order deceased was a member, attended the funeral and walked in procession with badges on. The burial service of the order was read at the grave. The following address of sympathy was sent to the bereaved parents by Harvey Council, No. 54, R. T. of T.:
Mr and Mrs Wm. Patterson:
Dear Friends, -- As it has pleased the Divine Providence to remove your daughter from our midst, we, on behalf of Harvey Council, No. 54, R. T. of T., desire to convey to you our most sincere sympathy. The loss which you have sustained is a very great one, and we trust that the hand which doeth all things well will help and comfort you in your time of trouble. Your daughter was a valued member of the order of Royal Templars, and was much esteemed by all, and it is with sorrow that we see her taken away; but as we mourn we must remember that the One who allowed the flower to be nipped so early has wise purposes that we know not of, and what seems to us to be a loss, is, no doubt, a great gain to our departed sister. (Signed) J. W. Taylor, W. G. Chamberlain, Charlotte Ross.
Census 1881 District No. 30 York County S. District of Manners Sutton page 23, Line 14
Schedule No 1 - Nominal Return of the Living
Houses Inhabited: 92; Families: 95
Scanned image of original census page 1333 X 1000; 466 k
Name |
Sex |
Age |
County or Province of Birth |
Religion |
Origin |
Occupation |
Marital Status |
Going to School |
Patterson, William |
M |
69 |
Scotland |
Prseby |
Scotch |
Farmer |
W |
" William Jr |
M |
38 |
NB |
" |
" |
D |
M |
" Margaret |
F |
40 |
" |
" |
" |
" Jane |
F |
13 |
" |
" |
" |
I |
" Wesley |
M |
11 |
" |
" |
" |
I |
" George |
M |
9 |
" |
" |
" |
" Sarah |
F |
5 |
" |
" |
" |
" Charles |
M |
7 |
" |
" |
" |
I |
" Olive |
F |
2 |
" |
" |
" |
" Isabella |
F |
35 |
" |
" |
" |
Servant |
" Alexander |
M |
32 |
" |
" |
" |
Shoe Maker |
Craig, William |
M |
23 |
NB |
Methodist |
English |
Labourer |
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