Through the day on Monday August 27th (Day 1) the reunion attendees began to arrive at Ford Castle either directly from their homes, or in most cases from other parts of the United Kingdom. Driving through the beautiful Northumberland countryside excitement began to build as reunionists got their first view of their home for the next week -- historic Ford Castle.
There was not much time to explore the castle grounds, renew old acquaintances or make new ones though as the first event of the reunion was about to take place. By happy coincidence the Glendale Agricultural Show was taking place that day and a reception had been arranged in our honor. We piled into our respective cars and mini buses and made our way south to Haugh Head, just beyond Wooler where the fair grounds had been established in some fields. Unfortunately the agricultural component of the 2007 version of the fair was severely curtailed as there had been an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the south of England and local authorities wisely figured that it would be prudent to keep live stock away.
The fair was still quite large and it was quite a walk to the rear area of the grounds where the Reunion marquee (tent) had been set up courtesy of the Northumberland National Parks Service. The marquee was full of people from the area in addition to the Harvey descendants. The surnames of the Harvey settlers had been well publicised before the event in local newspapers. There was a lot to see as Linda Bankier from the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Records Office had set up a large display on the Harvey settlers and there were other interesting displays and resource material available from the Borders Family History Society and the Northumberland and Durham Family History Society stands. Our own material was also on display showing the voyage of the Cornelius, a ships list, family trees and material on Harvey past and present.
Two very harried people in the room were Linda Bankier and Trevor Swan of our organizing committee who were distributing and collecting DNA test kits. Arrangements had been made with the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF, http://www.smgf.org/) of Utah, a non-profit organization dedicated developing DNA testing as the ultimate genealogical tool. It is hoped that the eventual results of these tests will not only provide evidence of familial links between Harvey settlers and their cousins in the Borders but provide information on settlement patterns in the region through the past two millennia.
This was the first opportunity that the Harvey settler descendants had to interact with their Borders cousins and many enjoyable discussions ensued as everyone drank tea and coffee and snacked on various cakes that had been provided. Reunionists also had the opportunity to shop for souvenirs at various kiosks throughout the fair grounds, watch displays of horsemanship, or enjoy the rides. This was also the first opportunity for some reunionists to meet Lord James Joicey, the proprietor of Ford Castle within the 16,000 acre Ford and Etal Estates, as his Icelandic horse marquee was set up next door to the reunion reception.
Around 5 PM the fair began to wind down and it was time to head back to Ford Castle, find our rooms, and enjoy a hearty meal in the dining room. After unpacking many people headed down to the castle bar to enjoy the beverage of their choice and spent some time getting to know each other.
A first view of Ford Castle in the background with the Ford Parish Church in the foreground. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
The gates of Ford Castle. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
The Whelan Runions group arrive at Ford Castle. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.
Fair goers enjoying the sights and sounds of the Glendale Agricultural Show. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
The midway at the Glendale Agricultural Show. Reunionist Philip Whelan in the foreground seems to be struggling a bit with pushing his stroller. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
Above: The Whelan Runions group enjoy home made baking at the Glendale Show. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.
Above Left: The Whelan Runions group and friends enjoy Punch and Judy puppet theatre at the Glendale Show. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.
A young lady shows off her skill in an equestrian relay event at the Glendal Agricultural Show. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
Alex watching the horse jump. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007. |
A classic country fair scene at the Glendale Agricultural Show. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007. |
Elizabeth, Malcolm, Heather and Calder Patterson along with Joey Follis, holding Heather in front of the Reunion Marquee at the Glendale Agricultural Show. The Icelandic flags belong to the Icelandic Horse Marquis next door. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
Left to Right. ????, Chairman of the Glendale Show Society; Sarah Nelson, secretary of the Glendale Agriculture Society; Al Robison, reunion organizer; Linda Bankier, Berwick-Upon-Tweed Records Office; Ian Herbert, reunion organizer; Trevor Swan, Reunion organizer; ???????; ???????; outside the Reunion Marquee. Source: Lynn Lewis, 27 Aug 2007.

Above: Nancy Robison and daughter Katherine Jardine in the Reunion Marquee (tent), Glendale Show. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.
Above Right: New Brunswick information on display at the Reunion Marquee. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.
????, Chairman of the Glendale Show Society, gives the welcoming address at the reception for the Harvey settlers in the Reunion Marquee. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
Reunion organizer Ian Herbert introduces Sarah Nelson, secretary of the Glendale Agriculture Society. Sarah is also Ian's fourth cousin once removed and a Wanless descendant, therefore a distant cousin to many of the reunion attendees. His worship Lance Robison, Lord Mayor of Berwick-Upon-Tweed looks on. Source: Tim Patterson, 27 Aug 2007. |
Kirsten Opdebeck and Ken Lee relaxing with some complicated looking Robison genealogical charts in the lounge at Ford Castle. Source: Colleen Whelan, 27 Aug 2007.