Day 3 |
Wed. 29 Aug |
9 AM |
Double decker bus tour of castles of north eastern Northumberland |
3 PM |
Civic reception at Berwick Town Hall followed by plaque unveiling at Berwick Quay |
8 PM |
Lecture: James Bell
"Battle of Flodden Field" |
Entry last updated: 28 Dec 2007
Day three of the reunion was another activity filled day. After another filling breakfast in the dining hall at Ford Castle we walked outside the walls to board a pair of double decker buses that had been hired to take us on a driving tour of northern Northumbria with emphasis on the many castles in the area. Because the Borders has had such a violent past the area has one of the highest concentrations of fortifications in all of Great Britain. Due to time constraints we did not get to tarry long or go inside any of the castles but we got nice views of them and from our perches on the top deck of the buses superb views of the Northumbrian countryside.
After lunch we had a bit of down time and then it was off for one of the most important events of the entire reunion - the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the sailing of our Mayflower, the Cornelius of Sunderland in May 1837. Prior to the plaque ceremonies we were first given a guided tour of a portion of the walls surrounding Berwick-Upon-Tweed. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in the late 16th century, vast sums — one source reports £128,648, the most expensive undertaking of the Elizabethan period — were spent on its fortifications, in the new Italian style (trace italienne), designed both to withstand artillery and to facilitate its use from within the fortifications. This was a major step forward as by this time all the older castles were obsolete as the high curtain walls, designed to withstand sieges could not withstand cannon fire, which explains why so many are in ruins. The fortifications at Berwick-Upon-Tweed were never needed though as the city was never attacked.
We then strolled as a group to the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Town Hall, where a civic reception had been arranged in our honor. Mayor Lance Robison, the Lord High Sheriff xxxx and other city dignitaries were decked out in their robes of office. The Harvey Settler descendants were highly appreciative of the speech read by Mayor Robison where he commemorated the departure of the Harvey settlers aboard the Cornelius 170 years earlier. Harvey Settler descendant Tim Patterson provided a response to the mayor and read a letter of greeting from Mayor Winston Gamblin of Harvey. A social hour then commenced, which provided an opportunity for many to chat with the mayor and his colleagues and to view the array of historical posters that had been set up by Linda Bankier of the Berwick-Upon-Tweed records office. Following a group photograph taken by a reporter from the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Advertiser on the front steps of city hall a procession commenced, with the mayor and other dignitaries in the lead, down to the Berwick Upon Tweed quay where the plaque commemorating the settlers voyage was to be unveiled. The Cornelius actually departed from just across the Tweed River at Carr Rock in Tweedmouth as the vessel was too large to dock at the quayside. However, it was decided to put the plaque on the Berwick-Upon-Tweed side of the river as Carr Rock is now part of a Coast Guard wharf, which is not easily accessible to the public (see images of Carr Rock wharf below).
The plaque was unveiled by Mayor Robison and Harvey settler descendant, 10 year old Kate Jardine (daughter of Nancy Robison) and reads:
Emigrant Ships From Berwick
Though Berwick was not a major emigration port a number of emigrant vessels departed from there for Canada early in the 19 th . century. Notable among them were two chartered by the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company. The "D'Arcy" carried a party of Northumberland and Scottish Borders emigrants who settle in Stanley, New Brunswick in 1836. A second party went out in the "Cornelius" of Sunderland in 1837 and founded Harvey in New Brunswick.
"They laid foundations deep and wide on which to build throughout the years."
Erected to mark the Harvey Settlers Reunion 2007.
It was a moving moment for many as we stood on the quay much as our ancestors had done 170 years earlier. The difference of course being that they were making a great leap into the unknown, leaving their homeland and friends and relatives, whom most would never see again.
Following the unveiling ceremony some reunionists toured around the streets of Berwick-Upon-Tweed for a while before heading back to Ford Castle for another hearty supper.
At 7 PM were treated to a lecture on the Battle of Flodden Field by Flodden expert James Bell, author of "From Boroughmuir to Branxton Moor: The Story of Flodden". A lecture on this topic was entirely appropriate as it was at Ford Castle that James IV of Scotland cavorted all week with Lady Heron (instead of strategizing) prior to being killed along with the majority of Scottish nobility at the Battle of Flodden Field on 9 Sept. 1513 -- the battle site is just visible from the castle walls. The level of detail given by James Bell, provided a new understanding of this important event for those who visited the battlefield. In all likelihood nearly all of the reunionists had ancestors who were involved in the battle or were killed there including reunionists Elizabeth, Malcolm and Calder Patterson who are descendants of Lieutenant General Gillespie 'Archibald' Campbell, 2nd Earl of Argyle, who was killed at the battle.
Following the talk many reunionists retired to the lounge for a pint and a chance to socialize and discuss what had been a very eventful day.
Breakfast at Ford Castle. L - R Kyra Whelan, Philip Whelan (back), Calder Patterson, Marietta Mendler, Heather Patterson (front), Joey Follis (peeking out from behind) and Malcolm Patterson. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Our double decker tour buses, recently retired from the streets of London, trundle down the Northumberland highway. Source: Lynn Lewis, 29 Aug 2007. |
Kids on the bus. L-R Heather Patterson, Philip Whelan (looking away) and Kyra Whelan. Back of Roy Patterson's white head and wife Jean Patterson in profile to his right. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Melissa Whelan and daughter Nevaeh enjoying their bus tour. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Kids on the bus. L-R Philip Whelan, Malcolm Patterson (laying down) and Joey Follis. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Our tour of North Northumberland makes a stop at Alnick Castle, to take some pictures of the classic facade. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
The gates of Chillingham Castle. There was unfortunately no time to actually go in and visit the eclectic museum that has been established here. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007.
View of impressive looking Bamburgh Castle from the parking lot. There was unfortunately no time to actually visit the castle during of bus tour. The collections in the museum on the site are quite impressive though and well worth a dedicated visit. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Malcolm Patterson is grudgingly persuaded to step away from the lineup at the icecream van just out of this field of view to have his photo taken in front of the imposing battlements of Bamburgh Castle. The present curtain wall was a restoration completed by the Victorian ear industrialist William Armstrong. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
L - R Malcolm Patterson, Philip Whelan and Joey Follis looking over the grounds of Alnick Castle. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Daring Calder Patterson has leaped the fence and moved on to the grounds at Alnick Caslte. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Jean Patterson (foreground) with the rest of the crowd in the background during our stop at Alnick Castle. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007.
The Harvey settler reunionists being given a tour of the impressive Elizabethan fortifications of Berwick-Upon-Tweed. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Bruce Elliott (L) strolls purposely across the room as as we await the beginning of the civic ceremony commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland in 1837. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Harvey settler reunionists chatting prior to the beinning of the civic ceremony commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland in 1837. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Reunion organizer (and treasurer) Linda Harris scans the crowd while others look at poster boards telling about the history of the Berwick-Upon-Tweed and surrounding area. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
The High Sheriff of Berwick-Upon-Tweed chatting with some of the Whelan clan at the civic reception. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Relaxing prior to the beginning of the formal portion of the civic reception at the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Town Hall. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Mayor Lance Robison chats with Bob Wilson and Brian Swan during the civic reception at the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Town Hall. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Corinne Runions and Philip Whelan touring the displays during the civic reception at the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Town Hall. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Above and left: His Worship Mayor Lance Robison of Berwick Upon Tweed reads are letter of welcome to the Harvey reunionists at the civic reception in their honor. Source: Left Tim Patterson; Above Lynn Lewis, 29 Aug 2007.
Reunion Committee member Tim Patterson provides a response to the speech of welcome provided by Mayor Lance Robison and reads a letter of greeting from Mayor Winston Gamblin of Harvey to the Mayor and councillors of Berwick- Upon-Tweed . Source: Bruce Elliott, 29 Aug 2007.
Unfortunately very low resolution image of the reunionists on the steps of the Berwick-Upon-Tweed City Hall following the civic reception. the Mayor and other city officials are in the front row. Following the photograph the entire party walked down to the quayside for the unveiling the a plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius-Of-Sunderland in 1837. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007.
Caroline Romano (center) waits with other reunion attendees for a group photograph following the civic reception at Berwick-Upon-Tweed city hall. Source: Skip Mendler, 29 Aug 2007. |
Whelan family on the steps of the Berwick-Upon-Tweed City Hall following the civic reception. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Philip and Kyra Whelan and Heather Patterson have a time out in the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Stocks. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Sign discussing the history of the Berwick-Upon-Tweed Stocks. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Awaiting the uneviling of the plaque commemorating the voyage of the Cornelius on the Quay at Berwick-Upon Tweed, Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Heather Patterson impatiently waiting for the uneviling of the plaque commemorating the voyage of the Cornelius on the Quay at Berwick-Upon Tweed, Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Awaiting the uneviling of the plaque commemorating the voyage of the Cornelius on the Quay at Berwick-Upon Tweed, Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Harvey Settler descendants awaiting the unveiling of the commemorative plaque. Source: Bruce Elliott, 29 Aug 2007. |

Above Left: Bob Grieve salutes his ancestors during the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland in 1837. Source: Lynn Lewis, 29 Aug 2007.
Mayor Lance Robison and the others await the uneviling of the plaque commemorating the voyage of the Cornelius on the Quay at Berwick-Upon Tweed, Source: Lynn Lewis, 29 Aug 2007.
Ian Herbert, Kate Jardine, Mayor Lance Robison, Bruce Elliott, and Sheriff ??? prepare to unveil the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland in 1837. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Mayor Lance Robison and Kate Jardine have just unveiled the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland. Source: Bruce Elliott, 29 Aug 2007. |
Mayor Lance Robison, Professor Bruce Elliott and the High Sheriff chatting following the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland. Source: Skip Mendler and Caroline Romano, 29 Aug 2007. |
Ian Herbert, Kate Jardine, Mayor Lance Robison, Bruce Elliott, and Sheriff ??? prepare to unveil the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland in 1837. Source: Skip Mendler and Caroline Romano, 29 Aug 2007. |
Kate Jardine after unveiling the plaque commemorating the sailing of the Cornelius of Sunderland. Source: Bruce Elliott, 29 Aug 2007 |
Organizing committee for the Harvey Settler Reunion. L-R Bruce Elliott, Ottawa, ON, CA; Ian Herbert, Lima East, Victoria, AU; Linda (Robison) Harris, White Falls, MT, US; Al Robison, Houston, TX, US, Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON, CA; Linda Bankier, Berwick-Upon-Tweed area, Northumberland, UK, Trevor Swan, Coldstream, Berwickshire, Scotland, UK. Source: Elizabeth Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
Close up of the commemorative plaque, which reads:
Emigrant Ships From Berwick
Though Berwick was not a major emigration port a number of emigrant vessels departed from there for Canada early in the 19 th . century. Notable among them were two chartered by the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company. The "D'Arcy" carried a party of Northumberland and Scottish Borders emigrants who settle in Stanley, New Brunswick in 1836. A second party went out in the "Cornelius" of Sunderland in 1837 and founded Harvey in New Brunswick.
"They laid foundations deep and wide on which to build throughout the years."
Erected to mark the Harvey Settlers Reunion 2007.
Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007
Tony Brown, although not an official reunion committee member, provided invaluable assistance in the planning of the Harvey Settler Reunion. Source: Bruce Elliott, 29 Aug 2007.
Left to right:
Matthew Craig of Calgary, Alberta, descendant of Thomas Craigs and Margaret
Patterson's son, Henry Craigs and
his wife, Isabella Kay.
Brian Mamaradlo of Ashland, Oregon, (Roanne's grandson) descendant of Thomas
Craigs and Margaret Patterson's sons,
James Craigs and wife, Mary Hume and Thomas Craigs, Jr.and wife Margaret
Tony Brown of Northumberland, descendant of Luke Craigs (brother to Thomas
Craigs, Sr.)
Roanne Lyall of Ashland, Oregon, descendant of Thomas Craigs and Margaret
Patterson's sons, James Craigs and wife, Mary Hume and Thomas Craigs, Jr.and
wife Margaret Reid.
????, of Northumberland. He and Tony Brown are 2nd cousins. Descendant
of Luke Craigs.
Dan Craig of Saskatoon, Sask. Brother of Matthew Craig and descendant of
Henry Craigs and Isabella Kay. Source: Roanne Lyall, 25 Nov 2007.
View west along the quayside from near where the Harvey Settler plaque was positioned. Source: Skip Mendler and Caroline Romano, 29 Aug 2007.
View along the Berwick-Upon-Tweed High Street, Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Berwick-Upon-Tweed Town Hall with the Canadian Flag flying in honor of the Civic reception held for the Harvey Settler reunion and the unveiling of the commemorative plaque on the quay. Source: Tim Patterson, 29 Aug 2007. |
The coast guard wharf at Carr Rock in Tweedmouth, across the river from the quay at Berwick-Upon Tweed where the commemorative plaque is mounted. The Cornelius of Sunderland departed from here in 1837 as the vessel was too large to dock at the quayside. The commemorative plaque was mounted on the Berwick-Upon-Tweed side as the location is more accessible to the public. Source: Skip Mendler and Caroline Romano, 29 Aug 2007. |
Another view of the coast guard wharf at Carr Rock in Tweedmouth where the Cornelius of Sunderland departed from in 1837. Source: Skip Mendler and Caroline Romano, 29 Aug 2007. |
Browsing the Harvey display tables at Ford Castle. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
More browsing the Harvey display tables at Ford Castle. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Melissa Whelan visiting with Bob Grieve in the lounge. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007.
Jill, Jennifer and our Ford Castle host Graham Little in the lecture hall. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |
Local historian James Bell presenting a fascinating lecture on the Battle of Flodden Field, which occurred only a short distance away 13 September 1513. Source: Colleen Whelan, 29 Aug 2007. |