Digital Extracts From the William Patterson Family Bible
Photographs From Plate 2
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Entry last updated 4 April 2009
Please contact Tim Patterson (tim.patterson@carleton.ca)
to provide additional data, or to correct any errors.
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Alexander 'Sandy' Robert Patterson (20 March 1849 - ?) Son of William Patterson and Sarah A.J. Dibblee. |
Original image in collection of Beryl (Swan) Johnston, Harvey Station, N.B. |
Medium sized pop-up Image
700 X 1035, 72 dpi, 231 k
Full sized pop-up Image
1756 X 2844, 180 dpi, 3187 k |
![](images/patterson/bible/pattersonbibleunknown3frsm.jpg) |
![](images/patterson/bible/pattersonbibleunknown3bksm.jpg) |
Unknown Subject
Carte de Visite (Visiting Card), late 19th century.
Original image in collection of Beryl (Swan) Johnston, Harvey Station, N.B. |
Reverse view of same Carte de Visite.
Portrait & Landscape Phographers.
From the
Studio of
Woodcock & Robinson.
According to the Special Photographic Collections Library at Penn State the Woodcock & Robinson studio was based in Douglas, Isle of Man, Great Britain. The Manx Notebook Photographers web page states that there was a major tourist boom in Douglas starting in the late 1870's when tourists (mostly mill workers) from the North of England would visit during the 10 week summer season. The Carte de Visite type photograph was a populara souvenir until ca 1890. Photographer Francis Woodcock (1845-1915) had a studio in Douglas from the late 1860's until well into the 1890's although no reference to a Woodcock & Robinson Firm is made on the Manx website. |
Medium sized pop-up Image
700 X 1177, 72 dpi, 172 k |
Medium sized pop-up Image
700 X 1190, 72 dpi, 219 k |
Full sized pop-up Image
1713 X 2881, 180 dpi, 2499 k |
Full sized pop-up Image
1684 X 2862, 180 dpi, 3179 k |
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11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Bibliography, Index
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