Darrell Messer Family Album
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Photographs presented here were copied from multiple Messer Family albums in the possession of Darrel Messer of Harvey and contain images dating from about 1860 through to 1949. Darrell inherited these images from his father Ezra Messer who in turn inherited the earliest images from his father Allan Messer, who would have been a grandchild of the oldest Messer and Speedy photographs contained in the collection. The 19th century images are made up of variety of photograph types including tintypes, cabinet cards and carte-de-viste. Although some images are identified the majority are not. The ordering of images presented on these pages is the same as in the albums so it is likely that many groupings of photographs are of associated family members. The albums are interesting in that they trace the diaspora of this family from Harvey to New England and British Columbia although a large number of photographs, particularly early 20th century box camera images seem to have been taken on the family farm on the Frog Lake Road in Harvey.
Images were provided courtesy of Darrell Messer and copied by Tim Patterson 26 July 2007. Information on any persons illustrated, particularly the unknowns, would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tim Patterson at: tim.patterson@carleton.ca.
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3132. Snapshot of students from one room school house on Frog Lake Road taken in September, 1947. See 3131 above for more distant photograph of the students in front of the school. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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