Darrell Messer Family Album
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Photographs presented here were copied from multiple Messer Family albums in the possession of Darrel Messer of Harvey and contain images dating from about 1860 through to 1949. Darrell inherited these images from his father Ezra Messer who in turn inherited the earliest images from his father Allan Messer, who would have been a grandchild of the oldest Messer and Speedy photographs contained in the collection. The 19th century images are made up of variety of photograph types including tintypes, cabinet cards and carte-de-viste. Although some images are identified the majority are not. The ordering of images presented on these pages is the same as in the albums so it is likely that many groupings of photographs are of associated family members. The albums are interesting in that they trace the diaspora of this family from Harvey to New England and British Columbia although a large number of photographs, particularly early 20th century box camera images seem to have been taken on the family farm on the Frog Lake Road in Harvey.
Images were provided courtesy of Darrell Messer and copied by Tim Patterson 26 July 2007. Information on any persons illustrated, particularly the unknowns, would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tim Patterson at: tim.patterson@carleton.ca.
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2930. Undated (possibly taken about 1900*) cabinet card incorrectly identified on back as "Mrs. Messer" (see caption on 2932 below). Actually an image of Jane Speedy, daughter of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson. Wife of Thomas H. Piercy. Born 7 Sep 1846 in Harvey. Photographer:The Dominion Photo Company. Union, B.C. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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Jane Speedy lived on Denman Island BC. Union Bay is adjacent to the island. This is presumably where the photograph was taken. No record of a Dominion Photoraph Co. based in Union has been discovered. However, James Hoad and Son operated two firms under this name in 1899 and 1900 in Nelson and Kaslo, BC. Jane Speedy seems to be in her 50s in the photograph so perhaps the photograph was taken about the turn of the century.
2932. Back of undated (possibly taken about 1900*. See above) cabinet card of "Mrs. Messer" (see caption on 2930 above). Actually Jane Speedy, daughter of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson. Born 7 Sep 1846 in Harvey. Wife of Thomas H. Piercy. Photographer:The Dominion Photo Company. Union, B.C. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2933. Undated cabinet card (*taken between May 1892 and 1896) of two male subjects. Photographer: *WADDS BROS 518 CORDOVA, VANCOUVE, B.C. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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*Photographer Information:
NAME: Wadds, David.
LIFE DATES: 1871? - Dec. 31, 1938.
BIRTHPLACE: Antrim?, Ireland.
WHERE ACTIVE: Toronto Vancouver Nelson.
BUSINESS ADDRESS/YEAR: 518 Cordova St. (Vancouver)/1892 05-1896
BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: Emigrating to Toronto in 1882, he and his brother G.T. Wadds studied photography there under H.E. Simpson, " the leading photographer of Toronto" . The Toronto city directories listed David between 1889-1893 as a clerk (1889 Simpson Bros., photographers), photo-printer (1890 H. E. Simpson, photographers), partner with J. C. Wright (1892), and an engraver (1893).
David moved to Vancouver about May 1892 and purchased the Vancouver Photo Co. from J. D. Hall. Joined by his brother, the two operated under the name Wadds Bros. David left for Nelson on November 22, 1897 to open a branch studio. He was married in Rossland on March 26, 1898 to E. S. Medlock, a retoucher for the Vancouver studio. David operated studios after the turn of the century at Crawford Bay and Fairview, B.C. His obituary reported his age as 67. |
2934. Undated cabinet card of unidentified young girl. Photographer: W.L. Estabrooke photographer stamped on back.. Estabrooke was a (Centreville, Carleton Co.?, New Brunswick photographer). Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2935. Back of undated cabinet card of unidentified young girl. Photographer: W.L. Estabrooke photographer stamped on back.. Estabrooke was a (Centreville, Carleton Co.?, New Brunswick photographer). Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2936. Undated (*1875-1890) cabinet card of unidentified infant. Photographer: *Farr, Minneapolis. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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*Farr had studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; and Dubuque, Iowa. He was in partnership with Goodman in Prairie du Chien in 1870s. (Farr is listed in Minneapolis 1875–1890. Imprint also seen as “Farr and Son.” |
2937. Undated card advertising the "First Free Baptist Church, Nos 616 and 618 Congress St. (Portland, Maine?). Rev. J.M. Lowden, Pastor. A street view using Google showed no present church along this stretch of street in Portland. Nor did similar searches in Quincy or Boston, MA revea any church. Hand written notation indicates that "I live on this side". Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2938.Back of undated card advertising the "First Free Baptist Church, Nos 616 and 618 Congress St. (Portland, Maine?). Rev. J.M. Lowden, Pastor. Text on this side lists service and bible study times. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2939. Undated cabinet card of three unidentied children. Photographer: Miller, 415, 417 & 419 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Branches: Fergus Falls, Minn, Ashland, Wis, St. Cloud, Minn, Belle Plaine, Minn. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2943. Back of undated cabinet card 2942 of two unidentified female subjects. Photographer: Jackson, Portland Me. Back of photograph read: Charles and Jackson, formerly Jackson & Kinney, Cor. Congress & Oak St.s, Portland, Maine. Crayon Portraits a specialy. Duplicates can be had at any time. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2945. Undated cabinet card, possibly of John Speedy (1848-1938). Photographer: *Farr, Minneapolis. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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*Farr had studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; and Dubuque, Iowa. He was in partnership with Goodman in Prairie du Chien in 1870s. (Farr is listed in Minneapolis 1875–1890. Imprint also seen as “Farr and Son.” |
2948. Portrait photograph of Isabella Speedy . Daughter of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson. Born 14 Dec 1836 in Berwick, Eng. Died 16 Sep 1930 in Harvey. Positive identification based on labeled print of same image in possession of Ross Wood (Tweedside, summer 2008) and a crayon portrait made from same print in possession of Verseila Gas (Tweedside, summer, 2008) . Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2949. Memorial cabinet card "inloving remembrance of Walter Messer, Died August 7th, 1886. Aged 54 Years, 4 months, 4 days.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacated in our home,
Which never can be filled.
God in His wisdom has recalled,
The boon His love had given;
And though the body moulders here,
The sould is safe in Heaven.
Back of card reads:
Copyright, 1886
Memorial Card Co
706 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, PA.
Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2956. Cabinet Card photograph of Cora V. Mills, Lincoln, 1889,. (from caption on back o card)f. Photographer: Fassett & Bassett (based on internet search they were based at: 124 Lisbon St. Lewiston, Maine.
Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2957.Back of Cabinet Card photograph of Cora V. Mills, Lincoln, 1889,. (from caption on back o card)f. Photographer: Fassett & Bassett (based on internet search they were based at: 124 Lisbon St. Lewiston, Maine. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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