Darrell Messer Family Album
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Photographs presented here were copied from multiple Messer Family albums in the possession of Darrel Messer of Harvey and contain images dating from about 1860 through to 1949. Darrell inherited these images from his father Ezra Messer who in turn inherited the earliest images from his father Allan Messer, who would have been a grandchild of the oldest Messer and Speedy photographs contained in the collection. The 19th century images are made up of variety of photograph types including tintypes, cabinet cards and carte-de-viste. Although some images are identified the majority are not. The ordering of images presented on these pages is the same as in the albums so it is likely that many groupings of photographs are of associated family members. The albums are interesting in that they trace the diaspora of this family from Harvey to New England and British Columbia although a large number of photographs, particularly early 20th century box camera images seem to have been taken on the family farm on the Frog Lake Road in Harvey.
Images were provided courtesy of Darrell Messer and copied by Tim Patterson 26 July 2007. Information on any persons illustrated, particularly the unknowns, would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tim Patterson at: tim.patterson@carleton.ca.
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2902. Undated tintype image of unidentified infant subject on mother's lap. Taken outdoors, probably same as in image 2903. This image also appears in the Ross Wood album where the baby is identified as "Wallace". He is therefore most likely Walter "Wallace" Wood, son of George Thomas Wood (b. 16 Apr 1865, d. 30 Apr 1931) and Elizabeth Messer (b. 8 Nor 1864, d. 8 Jul 1920). The'poor' talents of the photographer as evident in several photographs from this sitting that appear in both the Darrell Messer and Ross Wood albums; in this case by the way that he disguised the identity of the person holding the baby, most likely his mother Elizabeth. This same photograph appears in the Ross Wood Album.
Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2906. Back of 1896 graduation photograph of unidentified male subject from Biddeford High School, Biddeford, Me. (See 2907). Caption: Class of '96 Biddeford High School, Loyat en tout. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2908. Undated cabinet card of unidentified parents and infant. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
The same photograph appears in the Ross Wood Album where the undated photograph is listed as John "Allan" Messe. Son of Walter Messer & Isabella Speedy (b. 15 May 1875, Harvey. d. 29 Sep 1966, Harvey), his wife Janet Adella "Della" Mills (b. 11 Jan 1876, Tracy, N.B., d. 7 May 1948, Harvey), and their first child, Calvin Lawrence Messer as an infant.
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2915. Undated photograph (after 1897) of harried looking mother and 6 children. Photographer: ISAAC ERB & SON 13 CHARLOTTE ST. ST. JOHN, N.B.* Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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*Isaac Erb was a professional photographer whose career spanned more than 50 years, from 1870 to 1924. In 1877 Erb set up his studio in a second floor location at 13 Charlotte Street in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Whether in the studio or on location, Erb's camera captured the many facets of contemporary Saint John, and his work led him also throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Maine. The composition of his portraits and commercial photographs showed the artistic temperament of this 19th century cameraman. His attention to detail and unique perspective on his subjects contributed in equal parts to his success in a business marked by transiency and brevity. By the end of his career he had produced more than 12,000 images, all of which he meticulously recorded in his logbook. The approximately 3,400 extant glass negatives make up the most comprehensive collection of its kind in the Maritimes, and one of the best in Canada" - Taken from booklet, "The Isaac Erb Collection" His only son, John Erb, joined the father’s business in (subsequently called Isaac Erb and Son). John subsequenly inherited the business upon Isaac’s death in 1924. |
2917. Undated cabinet card of male subject. Notation on back of photograph (see 2918) reads "Andrew Fisher?" Photographer: Lewis, 218 Congress St. Portland Me.
Kevin Locke, Harlingen, Texas commented (29 May 2009): the "unidentified male is probably Andrew Jordan Fisher born 28 Oct 1874 Pictou, Nova Scotia died 13 June 1951 Opposic, Boston, MA.
He was the son of George Fisher and Elisabeth (Lizzie?) McDonald
He married Sarah Messer, the dau of Walter Messer and Isabella Speedy. Sarah was born 15 Mar 1873 in Harvey, died 15 Sep 1952 in Boston. Husband and wife are buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery in Dorchester, MA.
Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2919. Undated cabinet card of female subject. Notation on sticky that was attached to the photograph read "Sadie??" Notation on back of photograph (see 2921) reads "Mother" This photograph was also found in an album copied from Ross Wood where the subject was identied as Mary "Mayme" Wood. Daughter of Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson.
Photographer: Colpitts & CO. PORTLAND, ME, EXTRA FINISH". Text on back of photograph reads: COLPITTS & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO 514 Congress St. Portland ME. Enlargements can be furnished from this negatuve. Fine crayons a specialty." Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2921. Back of undated cabinet card 2919 of female subject. Notation on sticky that was attached to the photograph read "Sadie??" Notation on back of photograph reads "Mother" Photographer: Colpitts & CO. PORTLAND, ME, EXTRA FINISH". Text on back of photograph reads: COLPITTS & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO 514 Congress St. Portland ME. Enlargements can be furnished from this negatuve. Fine crayons a specialty." Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2924. Undated photograph of Margaret Ann "Maggie" Messer. Daughter of Walter Messer & Isabella Speedy. Born 17 Jul 1862 in Harvey. Died 10 Aug 1956 and three of her children. The children are most likely: Minnie May Haines, Harold Dow Haines and Estella H. Haines. This identification is likely because her youngest twin children; Roland Theodore Haines and Florence Dorothea Haines are obviously absent. Photographer: CLAUDE COLPITTS PHOTO. Maggie was not identified in this photograph but was in a copy of the same photograph that was found in the Ross Wood Album. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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2927. Undated Cabinet Card photograph of unidentified infant subject. Photographer: H.M. Smith 478 CONGRESS ST, PORTLAND ME. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007. Source: Darrell Messer, Harvey, Rephotographed by Tim Patterson. 26 Jul 2007.
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