Ross Wood Family Album
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The 78 photographs presented on these pages were copied from the collection of Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey Station, York Co., NB. This album came to him from Wallace Wood. Walter "Wallace" Wood was the son of George Thomas Wood (b 16 Apr 1865, Harvey. d 30 Apr 1931) and Elizabeth Messer (b 8 Nov 1864, Harvey, d. 8 Jul 1920, Harvey. There is some overlap in images in this album and the Darrell Messer photograph album as a result of the shared Messer heritage. This overlap has been useful in the identification of some images that were not properly identified in one or the other album.
Images from the album pictured left were copied by Tim Patterson, 7 Aug 2008. Additional information on any persons illustrated, would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tim Patterson at: tim.patterson@carleton.ca.
Page last updated: 31 May, 2009 |
4246. Unidentifed post card photograph of baby girl.
Caption on back reads: (see 4247 below).
Note on back reads:
"We expect to be up next week if the baby's cold get better to see you all. By By From Annie and Tom.
To Uncle Dod & Aunt Lizze From Pauline Janet James Bay Road".
J Swan Hall commented (31 May 2009): "Annie and Tom (are probably) Thomas Fee James, b. 1872, s/o Edward James and Janet Wood, d. 1957, buried in St. Stephen Rural Cemetery, and his wife Annie C. Mowatt, d/o Thomas Mowatt (not one of the "Harvey" Mowatts, but a Charlotte County Mowatt) and his wife Alice Wightman, b. 1859, d/o John Wightman and Annie Messer. Thomas Fee James and his wife Annie are both buried in St. Stephen Rural Cemetery. I don't know if they had children, but possible "Pauline Janet James, Bay Road" is a daughter??".
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson, 7 Aug 2008.
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4247. Back of nidentifed post card (4246 above) of photograph of baby girl.
Note reads:
"We expect to be up next week if the baby's cold get better to see you all. Byb By From Annie and Tom.
To UncleDod & Aunt Lizze From Pauline Janet James Bay Road".
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
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4249. Portrait photograph of Isabella Speedy. Daughter of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson. Born 14 Dec 1836 in Berwick, Eng. Died 16 Sep 1930 in Harvey. Positive identification based on labeled print of same image in possession of Ross Wood (Tweedside, summer 2008) and a crayon portrait made from same print in possession of Verseila Gas (Tweedside, summer, 2008) . Same photograph was also in a photo album copied from Darrell Messer, 26 Jul 2007. She married Walter Messer, son of William Messer & Alice (Or Alison) Brown, 22 Apr 1856. Born 3 Apr 1832 in England. Christen 9 Apr 1932 in Crookham Presbyterian Records. Died 7 Aug 1886 in Harvey.
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
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4250. Undated cabinet card of Peter Wood, son of Peter Wood & Janet "Jessie" Cleghorn (b 13 Jul 1829 in Roxburghshire, Scotland. d 15 Oct 1897, Harvey).
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
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4256. Undated cabinet card of Mary "Mayme" Wood. Daughter of Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson. Caption on photograph reads "Mamie Wood - lived down where Gordon & Doris Davis live. Cousin to Pop Wood". This image was also found in an album copied from Darrell Messer. Notation on sticky that was attached to the Messer photograph read "Sadie??" The image from the Messer album could be removed from the album and the identity of the photographer could be read. Photographer: Colpitts & CO. PORTLAND, ME, EXTRA FINISH". Text on back of photograph reads: COLPITTS & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO 514 Congress St. Portland ME. Enlargements can be furnished from this negatuve. Fine crayons a specialty."
J Swan Hall commented (31 May 2009):: "Most likely Mary "Mayme" Wood, d/o Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson. She was b. 11 Nov 1885 and d. 30 Sep 1967, married Henry Robert (Harry) Swan, and lived in McAdam. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam."
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
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4261. Undated cabinet card of James R. Messer, son of Walter Messer & Isabella Speedy. b 22 May 1871 , Harvey. d. 23 Feb 1959, British Columbia. Caption on photograph reads Uncle Jim Messer, Brother of Uncle Allen's. Other two subjects are unidentified.
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
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