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Descendents of John Nesbitt (ca. 1790 - 11 Apr 1850)
and Ann (unknown maiden name; ca. 1795 - 25 Feb 1864)
Third Immigrant Generation
19. John "Harvey" Nesbitt . Son of John B. Nesbitt & Elizabeth Chambers. Born 19 Mar 1853 in Harvey. Died 20 Jan 1929. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Weekly Telegraph, 10 Sep 1880: "Married Manse, Fredericton, 27th ult., by Rev. J. Fowler, A.M., John Harvey Nesbitt, Manners Sutton, York Co., and Miss Annie Cunningham, Kingsclear." Marriage date given in York Co.,NB Marriage Records, Book D. in 27 Aug, 1879, and witnesses to marriage were David Cunningham and Amanda Gallop.
He married Annie May Cunningham, 27 Aug 1880 in Fredericton By James Fowler, Presbyterian . Born 1858 in Lutherbridge, Scotland. Died 25 Mar 1940. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - undated: Died At Coburn. Mrs Annie Nesbitt, Aged 82, Was Born In Scotland. Coburn, NB, March 30 -- The death of Mrs Annie Nesbitt occurred at her home, March 25th, after a short illness. She was in her 82nd year and came from Scotland at age of 15, living at Hanwell until her marriage to Harvey Nesbitt of Coburn, where she lived the remaining years of her life.
Mrs Nesbitt is survived by one brother, John Cunningham of Hanwell, six nephews and five nieces. The funeral was held from Knox Presbyterian Church, March 27th at 2.30 where she was a life long member and was conducted by Rev. Allison McLean, pastor of the church. ...... The pallbearers were Harvey, William, Harry, John and Arthur Cunningham and Delbert Lister. Interment took place in family lot in Harvey Cemetery.
20. Ellen Nora Nesbitt . Daughter of John B. Nesbitt & Elizabeth Chambers. Born 7 Jun 1855 in Harvey. Died 1 Jun 1916.
From Daily Telegraph, 20 Oct 1877: "Married Manse, Fredericton, 15th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Charles W. Gallop, Kingsclear, York County, and Miss Ellen N. Nesbitt, Manners Sutton." Witnesses to marriage were C. N. Hartt and Janet Nesbitt.
She married Charles W. Gallop, 15 Oct 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. John M. Brooke. Born in Kingsclear.
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