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Descendents of Henry Swan (1773 - before 1851)
and Elizabeth Russell (ca. 1783 - 22 Jan 1870)
Swan genealogy in a
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First Immigrant Generation
1. Henry Swan . Son of Robert Swan & Dorothy Paterson. Born 1773 in Donaldsons Lodge, Northumberlnd Co, England. Died 1850/1851. Occupation Weaver.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, "The Swan Family", 1980.
Henry Swan and his wife Elizabeth Russell lived at Donaldsons Lodge, Northumberland, England, during the period 1806 and 1813 where records show that two of their children were born and one died. In the records at that time Henry is listed as a Weaver. The early Swan family were fishers on the river Tweed.
Unknown where Henry died, whether he died in England before his family came to New Brunswick, or if he died shortly after arriving in New Brunswick. The 1851 Census for the Harvey Settlement area lists his wife Elizabeth as a widow and living with son John.
He married Elizabeth Russell, in England. Born About 1783 in Ford, Northumberland, Eng. Died 22 Jan 1870 in Harvey Station.
From Morning News, 29 Jan 1870: "Died Harvey, York Co., 22nd inst., Elizabeth Swan or Russel, native of Ford, Northumberland, age 86."
It is believed that Elizabeth was a sister of Isabella, wife of James Rutherford, who came to New Brunswick in June 1850.
They had the following children:
2 i. Isabella Swan
3 ii. Robert Swan
4 iii. James Swan
5 iv. James Swan
6 v. Elizabeth Swan
7 vi. Alexander Swan
8 vii. John "Jack" Swan
9 viii. Sarah Swan