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Descendents of Henry Swan (1773 - before 1851)
and Elizabeth Russell (ca. 1783 - 22 Jan 1870)
Third Immigrant Generation Continued...
28. Alexander "Sandy" Swan . Son of James Swan & Jane Moody. Born 22 Apr 1856 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 12 Jun 1929 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Setlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall, "The Wilsons of Harvey", 1984, p.108, 126., and "The Swan Family (early 1800s - 1980) by Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, page 37.
Alexander was known as "Black Sandy".
He married Isabelle Kay Wilson, daughter of Alexander Wilson & Isabella Craig, 7 Mar 1881 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt . Born 8 Nov 1863 in Harvey, York Co., NB. Died 29 Jul 1944 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Nesbit and George Mowatt.
From newspaper obituary - 1944:
Mrs Alex K. Swan, Well Known Woman Died Following Short Illness.
Harvey Station, Aug 9 -- The death of Mrs Belle Kay Swan, widow of Alexander K. Swan, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs Albert Embleton on Saturday evening, July 29th following a short illness.
Mrs Swan was a life long resident of Harvey. She was born Nov 8th 1864, a daughter of the late Alexander and Isabelle (Craig) Wilson. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and a Home Helper in the Auxiliary of the W.M.S., giving generously of her time in knitting and making quilts for the work of the Society.
Leaving to mourn the loss of a devoted and loving mother are five sons and five daughters, Harry C. Swan, Charles Swan, James E. Swan, Angus Swan, and Oscar Swan, all of Harvey, Mrs Albert Embleton, Harvey, Mrs Thomas Coburn, Brownville Junction, Me., Mrs Guy Piercy, Harvey, Mrs George Brown, Harvey and Mrs Roy Messer, McAdam. Other relatives are a brother, Charles Wilson, Pownal, Me., a sister, Mrs Charles Little, Harvey, four half-brothers, Jardine Wilson, Oliver Wilson, Heber Wilson and Levi T. Wilson, and two half-sisters, Mrs Edward MacConnell and Mrs Albert Johnston, all of Harvey, 24 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.
They had the following children:
129 i. Margaret Isabelle Swan
130 ii. (Infant) Swan
131 iii. Henry Craig "Harry" Swan
132 iv. Stella Jane Swan
133 v. Alexander "Charles" Swan
134 vi. Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Swan
135 vii. Lillian May Swan
136 viii. Della Maud Swan
137 ix. James Edgar Swan
138 x. John "Angus" Jardine Swan
139 xi. Charles "Oscar" Swan
29. Sarah Jane "Janie" Swan . Daughter of James Swan & Jane Moody. Born 1 Feb 1858 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 8 Jul 1927 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, "The Swan Family", 1980, p. 41.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1927:
Mrs Jas Coburn Has Passed Away
Harvey Staton, July 14 -- The death of Mrs James Coburn of Manners Sutton occurred on July 8 at the age of 69 years. Deceased had suffered slightly from paralysis some time ago, and she took a last stroke on Sunday afternoon, July 3, shortly after having attended church.
Deceased was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Swan, natives of England, who came to Harvey about 80 years ago, when the settlement was in its infancy. She was twice married. By her first husband, the late Thomas Briggs, she leaves four sons and two daughters. The sons are Matthew and John, of York Mills; Charles of Manners Sutton, and Allen of York Mills. The daughters are Margaret, Mrs LeBaron Little, and Lottie, Mrs Harry Swan, both of Harvey Station. Her second husband also survives and the following stepchildren: Walter, Wesley and Alexander Coburn of Manners Sutton; Edward (sic)Coburn, McAdam; William (sic), Robert and Roy Coburn, Manners Sutton; Lottie, Mrs Pembroke Little, Manners Sutton; Zilla, Mrs Arnold Little, of Coburn, and Pearl, Mrs Hazen Patterson, of Tweedside. Two brothers, Henry and Alexander Swan are also left to mourn.
The funeral was held in the Harvey Presbyterian church on Sunday, July 10, a very large number attending.
She first married Thomas Briggs, son of Thomas Briggs & Margaret Darling, 7 Oct 1878 in York Co., NB, By Waldow W. Brewer . Born 1854 in Harvey, York Co., NB. Died 31 Mar 1895 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Witnesses to marriage were Harry D. Burden and Chester Dean.
Thomas died at age 40 years and 3 months of consumption.
They had the following children:
140 i. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Briggs
141 ii. James Matheson "Matthew" Briggs
142 iii. Margaret Jane "Maggie" Briggs
143 iv. William "Willie" Briggs
144 v. Lottie Briggs
145 vi. John H. Briggs
146 vii. (Infant) Briggs (Twin)
147 viii. Charles A. Briggs (Twin)
148 ix. Allan Thomas Briggs
She second married James "Jim" Coburn, son of George Cockburn (Coburn) & Mary Piercy, 25 May 1915 in York Co., NB . Born 29 Jul 1846 in Harvey. Christen 22 Aug 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 5 Feb 1928 in Harvey Sta. . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farming, Lumbering, And General Store. Religion Presbyterian.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1928:
Harvey Man Died At Age Of 80 Years
Harvey Station, Feb 14 -- The death of James Coburn, of Harvey, occurred Feb. 5, at the home of his son, Alexander. Deceased had been ill but a short time. Although 80 years of age he had retained the use of his faculties to a remarkable degree. He was a lifelong Presbyterian. He had been prominent in business life also. Besides farming and lumbering, he founded the business firm of James Coburn and Son, the latter of late years being conducted by the son, G. Wesley Coburn. By his first marriage there survive the following children: Walter, Wesley, Alexander, Wilbert, Edgar, Robert and Roy, Mrs Arnold Little, Mrs Pembroke Little and Mrs Hazen Patterson, all belonging to Harvey with the exception of Edgar, who lives at McAdam. Deceased's second wife predeceased him by only seven months. After prayer at the house, the funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. George E. Knight. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery, six of the deceased's sons being the pallbearers.
30. Henry "Harry" Swan . Son of Alexander Swan & Mary Taylor. Born 18 Jun 1845 in England. Died 1 Feb 1923 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, "The Swan Family", 1980.
1922 photograph of (from left to right) brothers Henry (b 18 Jun 1845, d 1 Feb 1923), Robert (b 2 Apr 1847, d 23 Aug 1947) with his wife Charlotte Worden (b. 12 Jan 1853, d 21 Jan 1932) and James Swan (b 2 Apr 1849, d 28 Sep 1925).
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He married Joselean "Celia" Burrell, daughter of Isaac Burrell & Alice Bell Grieve, 4 Oct 1878 in Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Stevens, Baptist. Born 14 Nov 1855 in Harvey. Died 12 Aug 1893 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Christian Visitor, Saint John, 4 Dec 1878: "Married Fredericton, 30th Oct., by Rev. A. J. Stevens, Henry Swan and Joselean Burrill, both of Manners Sutton, York Co." (Also in NB Reporter 20 Nov 1878.)
Witnesses to marriage were Stephen Swan and Mrs A. J. Stevens.
They had the following children:
149 i. William Alexander Swan
150 ii. Mary Alice Winnifred Swan
151 iii. Isaac "Ernest" Swan
152 iv. James Robert "Jimmie" Swan
153 v. Thomas Harvey Swan
154 vi. Elizabeth Jane Lillian "Lillie" Swan
155 vii. Josie "Carrie" Bailey Swan