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Descendents of Henry Swan (1773 - before 1851)
and Elizabeth Russell (ca. 1783 - 22 Jan 1870)
Second Immigrant Generation Continued...
3. Robert Swan . Son of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell. Born 11 Jan 1806 in Northumberland, Eng.
In the Cornhill Baptism of Dissenters: Robert Swan, son of Henry and Elizabeth Swan of Donaldsons Lodge, 11th Jan. 1806.
No further information on Robert.
4. James Swan . Son of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell. Born 8 Mar 1809 in Northumberland, Eng. Died 19 Mar 1813 in Northumberland, Eng. Buried in England.
Cornhill Baptism of Dissenters: James Swan 2nd son of Henry Swan of Donaldsons Lodge, W., by his wife Elizabeth late Russell, b. Mar. 8, 1809.
Listed in the Cornhill burials before 1850, was the following: "James Swan, son of Henry, Weaver and Elizabeth his wife late Russell, Donaldsons Lodge, Mar. 19, 1813, age 4."
5. James Swan . Son of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell. Born 1813 in Northumberland, England. Died 16 Mar 1870 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, "The Swan Family", 1980, p. 20.
James and his wife Jane entered Canada with their daughter Mary, in 1840. They settled on Lots 17 and 18, second tier, Harvey Settlement. The agricultural records of the 1861 census show that James owned 200 acres of land, 50 of which were improved and 150 unimproved. The cash value of his land was given as 150 pounds and the value of implements and machinery was given as 10 pounds. He owned three horses, three milch cows, two other neat cattle, fourteen sheep, and three pigs.
From Thurs. Daily Telegraph, 24 Mar 1870: "Died Harvey, 16th March, James Swan, age 56, native of Northumberland, England. He entered the communion of the Church in early life under late Dr. Thompson of Coldstream. About the year 1840 he emigrated to America; left wife, seven children."
From Colonial Farmer, 26 Mar 1870: "Died Harvey Settlement, 16th inst., James Swan, age 56, native of Northumberland England."
He married Jane Moody. Born 1818 in Northumberland, England. Died 5 Aug 1879 in Harvey, York Co. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Jane is listed as English in the 1851 and 1861 Census. Research needs to be done to determine the names of her parents.
They had the following children:
20 i. Mary Swan
21 ii. Henry "Harry" Swan
22 iii. John "Jack" Swan
23 iv. Robert Swan
24 v. Isabella Swan
25 vi. William Swan
26 vii. James Thomas Swan
27 viii. Elizabeth H. "Bessie" Swan
28 ix. Alexander "Sandy" Swan
29 x. Sarah Jane "Janie" Swan
6. Elizabeth Swan . Daughter of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell. Born 1817 in Northumberland, Eng. Died 1882 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
It is believed that Elizabeth came to Canada in 1850 with her parents (mother?), brothers Alexander and John, and sister Sarah.
At the time of the 1861 census, Elizabeth's mother was living with them. In the 1871 census, an Alexander Nesbit, age 12, born in NB, lived with Elizabeth and John Taylor.
She married John Taylor, 19 Aug 1857 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 1 May 1825 in Inverarity, Forfar, Scotland. Died 4 Jan 1904 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer And Trading. Religion Presbyterian.
PANB #F15552, p. 295: John Taylor to Elizabeth Swan on Aug 19, 1857, by Samuel Johnson. Witness, William Taylor.
After the death of Elizabeth, John married Phoebe A. Hartt, but left no family by either wife.
John bought the woolen mill business at York Mills from George Lister, and he continued the business for several years. He built a community hall in the center of Harvey village. He was installed as an elder of the Presbyterian Church of Harvey on June 22, 1856.
From church records: John died Jan. 4, 1904, age 79, suffered from apoplexy, ill about 1 1/2 years.
From a newspaper item, (with picture of John Taylor) Saturday, 25 Nov 1893:
A Typical and Worthy Scotchman.
His History Shows What Honesty and Perseverance Can Accomplish.
The above portrait is from a photograph recently taken for the present occasion. John Taylor, of Harvey Station, is the original. He came to this country from Scotland in 1850; was born at Whigstreet, Parish of Inverarity and County of Forfar, in 1825, and is therefore about the same age as Lieut-Governor Boyd. Mr Taylor settled on a lot of wilderness land at Tweedside, so-called, on the western shore of Oromocto Lake, in 1852, where the Swans and others had "got planted unco richt" two years previously.
Tweedside is merely an extension of Harvey on the south. It was originally termed the Campbell block, having been granted to Sir Colin Campbell. The land was divided into ten lots and sold to these people by Andrew Inches, who was then or some time shortly after dubbed by George L. Hatheway, "the king of the crown land office."
The road, instead of being a bridle path as has been said, was then at its best; better in fact than it is today, and no finer tract of land could then be seen between Fredericton and St. Andrews; and no finer farms can be seen on the same road at the present time. The first frame house was erected by Mr. Taylor. He went on with his farming for a number of years, but when the American war broke out he turned his attention to business and opened a trade between the villages and the citizens of St. Stephen and Calais. This proved to be a lucky step for him and was a boon to the settlers as well. Fortune favored him and he began to be favorably known to the merchants of not only these towns, but Fredericton and St. John as well.
After the completion of the European and North American Railway (now the Atlantic division of the Canadian Pacific Railway) he sold his farm at Tweedside and removed to Harvey Station. Here he continued trading, and seeing that business at that place promised well, he erected a large and substantial building, the upper portion of which was designed for use as a public hall; the lower divided into two commodious stores for his own use. Previous to this he had become a shareholder in the York woolen mill, the largest mill of the kind in the province, and after a time became sole owner. Carrying on this business took him away from home a great deal and he decided to sell, which he did at a good profit. The mill while under his control got the reputation of manufacturing an extra fine quality of goods, which reputation it has satisfactorily sustained. Mr Taylor has been twice married. His first wife was a woman of fine attainments and a sister of John and Alex Swan of Tweedside. She died in 1881. Three years after he married Phoebe Amanda, eldest daughter of the late David Hart of Fredericton Junction, a lady esteemed by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance.
Mr Taylor has had no children of his own but has had the care of his brother's children, two boys and two girls, since they became orphans and all who know the young folks will say that he has fulfilled his duty to them in the fullest sense.
He is still hale and hearty as his picture shows. He enjoys the friendship of many prominent men through the province by whom he is esteemed and respected for his many excellent traits of character.
Three times he has been privileged to visit his native land, thus having seven times crossed the Atlantic.
In his time he has contributed a good deal to the press, largely for the St. Croix Courier. His productions always show a keen foresight; a fine descriptive faculty, and an accurate estimate of men and matters. It has been said of him that he is a close observer; as glib with the pen as a true Scotchman and a worthy representative of "The land o'cakes."
From newspaper obituary (1904):
Harvey: Our readers generally will regret to hear of the death of the sturdy Scotchman, John Taylor, which occurred at his home in Harvey on January 4th. He had been in failing health for four years past. He was born May 1st, 1825, near Fotheringham, in the parish of Inverarity, Forfair, Scotland, and came to this country in 1850. He lived in Charlotte County for a while, and settled in Tweedside in 1854 and engaged in farming and trading. He went to Harvey Station in 1876.
7. Alexander Swan . Son of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell. Born 1818/1819 in Northumberland, England. Died 19 Nov 1905 in Harvey Station, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Jocelean Swan Hall and Margaret Swan Crozier, "The Swan Family", 1980
He first married Mary Taylor, in England. Born 1818/1819 in England. Died 15 May 1853 in Harvey Station, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
30 i. Henry "Harry" Swan
31 ii. Robert Taylor "Bob" Swan
32 iii. James T. Swan
33 iv. Mary Swan
He second married Elizabeth "Bess" Dryden, 31 Mar 1858 in Harvey, York Co., NB By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 1830. Died 5 Mar 1914 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage to Alexander Swan were John Nesbit and Eleanor Johnson.
3717. Elizabeth "Bess" Dryden (b. 1830; d. 1914, Tweedside);, 2nd wife of Alexander Swan. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
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From The Daily Gleaner, 24 Jun 1913, page 2:
Tweedside, June 20 -- Mrs Worling, of St. Marys, is visiting her sister, Mrs Alex Swan. This is the first time they have met, Mrs Swan having come to this country before her sister was born. Mrs Swan is 82 years old and her sister 60.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1914):
Harvey Station, March 7 -- Mrs Elizabeth Swan, widow of Alex Swan died at her home at Tweedside yesterday morning. She was in the eighty-fifty year of her age and has been in failing health for some time. She was a native of north of England and came to this province about sixty-five years ago and for some time resided in St. John. She was twice married, her first husband, whose name was Kelly, dying about sixty years ago. She married Mr Swan and came to Tweedside over fifty-six years ago and has resided there since that time. Mr Swan died a short time ago at an advanced age. She is survived by two daughters by her first marriage, Mrs Thos Piercy, residing in Manitoba, and Miss Margaret Kelly of Houlton; and two sons, Alex Swan of Tweedside, and William Swan residing in British Columbia. Three stepsons also survive her. They are Henry Swan and Jas. T. Swan of Tweedside, and Robert Swan, residing in British Columbia. She passed through a great affliction about thirty-five years ago when six of her children, three boys and three girls, were all within ten days carried off by diphtheria. She was a lady of pleasant disposition and was highly esteemed and had many friends here and elsewhere.
They had the following children:
34 i. Alexander "Sandy" Swan
35 ii. Stephen Swan
36 iii. Stephen (No. 2) Swan
37 iv. John Taylor Swan
38 v. William Kelly "Bill" Swan
39 vi. Mary Taylor "Mamie" Swan
40 vii. John Taylor (No. 2) Swan
41 viii. Thomas "Russell" Swan
42 ix. Elizabeth "Alice" Swan
43 x. Sarah Bell "Winnie" Swan