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19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, Index
Descendants of George Cleghorn (b. ca 7 Aug 1768 - bef 1841)
and Jane Dickson (b ca 1783 - after 1851)
Five generation Cleghorn genealogy in a
single pdf or MS Word file.
In addition to the abbreviated genealogy presented here see also a more detailed genealogy in:
*Cleghorn, R. 1982. George Cleghorn and Descendants (1819-1982). Larsen Printing Woodstock, N.B. First Edition. 207.
*This book is out of print but is available below as a MS Word or pdf download. For further information on the Cleghorn family and post-1982 family history please contact Ruth Cleghorn Ker at (jackruth@nbnet.nb.ca)
R. Cleghorn (1982) as a
single pdf or MS Word file.
Link to maps showing relative concentration of the
Cleghorn surname in the United Kingdom in 1881 and 1998.
Third Generation
Entry last updated 8 June 2008
7. George Cleghorn. Son of George Cleghorn & Jane Dickson. Born 16 Aug 1820 in Eckford Scotland. Christen 24 Sep 1820 in Eckford, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Died 28 Mar 1867 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Map showing location of Eckford, Roxburgh, Ormiston and Lurdenlaw Farm . George Cleghorn was born in Eckford, while his wife Agnes Hogg and several of their children were born in Roxburgh. During the 1841 census record George Cleghorn was living with his mother and sister Agnes at Ormiston. During the 1851 census George Cleghorn was living with his own family at Old Lurdenlaw Farm near Sprouston. Google map compiled: Tim Patterson, 17 May 2008. |
Satellite image of map area above showing location of Eckford, Roxburgh, Ormiston and Lurdenlaw Farm. Close-up map of Lurdenlaw Farm map Google map compiled: Tim Patterson, 17 May 2008.
From parochial registers of Eckford in Roxburghshire, Scotland (researched by Bruce Elliott, 2004): George Cleghorn Labourer in Waterfoot and Jane Dickson his wife their Child Born the 16h of Augt 1820 and Bapt. The 24th of Sept 1820 named George."
By the time of the 1841 Scotland census George, age 20, born Roxburghshire, Scotland, labourer, lived with his mother Jane (Dickson) Cleghorn, age 58, and sister Agnes, age 17. It seems that his father must have died by this time.
From parochial registers of Eckford, Roxburghshire (Researched by Bruce Elliott, 2004): " 1844 June 1st. George Cleghorn of this Parish and Agnes Hogg of the Parish of Roxburghe gave up their names for proclamation in order to marriage. 14th June 1844 married by the Revd. Mr Lee, Roxburgh."
Church of Scotland church in Eckford where George Cleghorn and Agnes Hogg were married on 1 Jun 1844. It is located midway between Kelso and Jedburgh just east of A698. This church dates from 1665 and was a replacement for an earlier church granted to Jedburgh Abbey in the early 13th century on the same site.There is a sundial that was added in 1668 as well as a set of jougs that date from 1718. Jougs were a standard feature in many Scottish churches, consisting of an iron collar fastened by a short chain to a wall within the church. The collar was placed round the offender's neck and fastened by a padlock. Jougs were used for ecclesiastical as well as civil offences.The north aisle was added ca 1720 with the inside being remodelled in 1898 when the pulpit was moved and box pews removed. An interesting feature is the presence of a mort-house (watch tower) in the cemetery that was used to house watch men on guard against body snatchers. On the ground floor is the burial vault of the Bennets of Marlfield, a nearby estate. The armorial bearings of Sir William Bennet (d 1724) are found above the spacious laird's loft. There is a Roll of Honour for those who served in WW 1 as well as a Memorial to those who died in WW II. In recent years attendance of the church has dwindled until if was only being used twice a year. Looming expensive repairs forced the decision to end its use as a place of worship. The last sermon was preached there on Sunday May 7, 2006. At last report the local Kirk of the Church of Scotland had proposed that the church be sold. However, the presence of an active cemetery surrounding the church created complications. Image Source: Ruth Cleghorn Ker; rephotographed by Tim Patterson, July 22, 2006. |
From research compiled by Ruth Cleghorn in 1982 on "George Cleghorn and Descendants 1819-1982", it is believed that George Cleghorn, his wife Agnes Hogg and five children came to New Brunswick in 1853. Five more children were born in New Brunswick. They settled on land in South Tweedside, which they cleared and farmed. George died of a heart attack at age 48 years.
Old barn on "Cleghorn Hill" the site of the George Cleghorn homestead. Photograph was developed in May 1966 so was likely taken that spring.
Source Ruth Ker. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson, July 23, 2006. |
Undated photograph of first Cleghorn homestead built by George Cleghorn and his sons. This house replaced a temporary 'root house' built into the side of a hill where the family lived when they first took up their grant. Subjects are unidentified.
Source Ruth Ker. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson, July 23, 2006. |
He married Agnes Hogg, daughter of John Hogg & Elizabeth Hume, 14 Jun 1844 in Eckford, Roxburgh Co., Scotland. Born 1825 in Parish Of Roxburghe, Scotland. Died 26 Jan 1899 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Link to page summarizing ancestors of Agnes Hogg
Undated large format crayon portrait photograph of Agnes Hogg (1825-1899), wife of George Cleghorn. Original photograph was quite yellowed with age. Image presented has been color corrected to approximate its original appearance. Tears and blemishes have also been digitally repaired. Since Agnes is on her own in this photograph it is probable that the image as taken some time after the death of George in 1867, probably in the 1870's based on her appearance. Source Ruth Ker. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson, July 23, 2006. |
Memorial cabinet card "To the memory of Mrs. Agness Cleghorn died Jan 26, 1899 aged 73 y., 3m.
Oh mother, thy gentle voice is hushed,
Thy warm, true heart is still;
And on thy pale and peaceful face,
Is resting death's cold chill.
Thy hands are crossed upon thy breast,
We have kissed thy marble brow,
And in our aching hearts we know
We have no mother now.
Source Ruth Ker. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson, July 23, 2006. |
Harvey Settlement Cemetery, Lot 781b. (on back of Robert Cleghorn gravestone): George Cleghorn 1819-1867; his wife Agnes Hogg (1825-1899); *Harry Cleghorn 1899-1981. *Henry Robert "Harry" Cleghorn was the grandson of George Cleghorn and Agnes Hogg.Source: Tim Patterson, July 7, 2006.
They had the following children:
13 i. Elizabeth "Bess" Cleghorn
14 ii. Jane "Jean" Cleghorn
15 iii. Jessie May "Jess" Cleghorn
16 iv. George "Dode" Cleghorn
17 v. John "Joak" Cleghorn
18 vi. Alexander "Sandy" Cleghorn
19 vii. William "Bill" Cleghorn
20 viii. Agnes "Aggie" Cleghorn
21 ix. Robert "Bob" Cleghorn
22 x. Julia Ann Cleghorn
Census Returns:
1841 Scotland Census |
Piece: SCT1841/787 |
Place: Eckford-Roxburghshire |
Parish Number : 787 |
Civil Parish: Eckford, Roxburghshire |
Folio: 1 |
Page: 1 2 |
Address: Ormiston |
Surname |
First name(s) |
Sex |
Age |
Occupation |
Where Born |
Remarks |
Cleghorn |
Jane |
F |
58 |
Supported By Her Sons |
Roxburghshire |
Occupation: crossed out on census |
Cleghorn |
George |
M |
20 |
Labourer |
Roxburghshire |
Cleghorn |
Agnes |
F |
17 |
Bondager Or Ag. Lab. |
Roxburghshire |
1841 Scotland Census |
Piece: SCT1841/803 |
Place: Roxburgh-Roxburghshire |
Parish Number : 803 |
Civil Parish: Roxburgh |
Folio: 5 |
Page: 2 |
Address: Roxburgh |
Enumeration District: 5 |
Surname |
First name(s) |
Sex |
Age |
Occupation |
Where Born |
Remarks |
Hogg |
John |
M |
47 |
Joiner |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Elizabeth |
F |
45 |
Labourer |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
William |
M |
20 |
Joiner |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Henry |
M |
17 |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Jessy |
F |
19 |
Joiner |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Agnes |
F |
15 |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
George |
M |
13 |
Ag. Lab. |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Jane |
F |
12 |
Roxburghshire |
Hogg |
Elizabeth |
F |
9 |
Roxburghshire |
Wood |
Joseph |
M |
19 |
Joiners Apprentice |
Roxburghshire |
Notes: The United Kingdom Census of 1841 recorded the occupants of every UK household on the night of June 6, 1841. It was described as the "first modern census" in that it was the first to record information about every member of the household and because it was administered as a single event, under central control, rather than being devolved to a local level. It formed the model for all subsequent UK censuses, although each went on to refine and expand the questions asked of householders.
It was important for early demographic analysis of the UK population and remains of interest to historians, demographers and genealogists, although the information about each person is quite limited compared with that available from later censuses.
Forms were delivered to every household a few days before the day of the census. These were to be completed by the householder and collected by the enumerator on 7 June, the day after the census. The enumerator would help in the completion of the form if, for example, the householder was illiterate.
The 1841 census recorded people's names, age, sex, occupation, and if they were born "in county". Ages over 15 were to be rounded down to the nearest 5 years so, for example, someone aged 63 should be recorded as aged 60. However, not all enumerators followed this instruction and exact ages may have been recorded as was the case with the entry for the Cleghorn family above.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Census_1841
1851 Scotland Census* |
Role: CSSCT1851_204 |
Place: Eckford-Roxburghshire |
Parish Number : 807 |
Civil Parish: Sprouston |
County: Roxburghshire |
Page: 1 |
Address: Old Lurdenlaw |
Folio: |
Schedule: 4 |
Surname |
First name(s) |
Rel |
Status |
Sex |
Age |
Occupation |
Where Born |
Cleghorn |
George |
Head |
M |
M |
29 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Roxburghshire |
Cleghorn |
Agnes |
Wife |
M |
F |
25 |
wife |
Cleghorn |
Betsy |
Daughter |
- |
F |
6 |
- |
Cleghorn |
Jane |
Daughter |
- |
F |
4 |
- |
Roxburghshire |
Cleghorn |
Jessie |
Daughter |
- |
F |
2 |
- |
Roxburghshire |
Cleghorn |
George |
Son |
- |
M |
7 Mo |
- |
Roxburghshire |
Source: www.ancestry.com
Notes: The United Kingdom Census of 1851 recorded the people residing in every household on the night of March 30, 1851, and was the second of the UK censuses to include details of household members. However, this census added considerably to the fields recorded in the earlier 1841 census, providing additional details of ages, relationships and origins, making the 1851 census a rich source of information for both demographers and genealogists.
The 1851 census was the first to record the full details of birth location for individuals. Where 1841 had only recorded if an individual was born in county, the 1851 census states the county and parish or town of birth as well.
The 1851 census was the first to record each person's marital status and relationship to the head of the household, as well as details of disability being recorded — with a field for recording the information that an individual was "blind, deaf or imbecile". Each individual's exact age was also recorded (to the nearest year) rather than rounding adult ages down to the nearest five years.
In 1851, much greater detail was asked about people's occupations than in previous censuses. This enabled government analysis of occupations into "classes" and "sub-classes". Masters in trade and manufacture were asked to state the word "master" after the description of their occupation and to state the number of men employed on the day of the census.
The Government also conducted a census of attendance at religious services on 30 March 1851, as part of the project.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Census_1851
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19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, Index