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Descendents of Marshall Robison I (1787 - 11 Apr 1862)
and Jane Dickson (1788 - 8 Oct 1871)
Third Immigrant Generation
30. Robert Herbert Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 30 Nov 1861 in Harvey. Died 8 Dec 1943 in Vancouver, BC. Buried in Mountain View Cemetery.
Bob moved to BC sometime between Dec 1899 and Sep 1903.
2429. Robert Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 30 Nov 1861 in Harvey. Died 8 Dec 1943 in Vancouver, BC. Buried in Mountain View Cemetery. He married Emily Rebekah Little, daughter of Matthew Little & Isabel Hay, 29 Apr 1885 in Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowat . Bob and family moved to BC sometime between Dec 1899 and Sep 1903.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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From newspaper obituary - 1943:
Died in Vancouver. Robert Herbert Robison, Formerly of Harvey Station, Had Lived in Vancouver 40 Years.
Harvey Station, NB, Dec 30 -- Word has been received here of the death on Dec 8th of Robert Herbert Robison at his home, 1133 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC.
Mr Robison was born at Harvey Station on Nov 30th, 1861, a son of pioneer residents of Harvey, Marshall and Mary (Herbert) Robison.
About forty years ago he took up residence in Vancouver, where he made many friends who learned of his death with genuine regret. He had been in failing health for about a month but his death came as a shock. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Emily Little, of Coburn, two sons, Jeffrey and Roy Robison, Vancouver; five daughters, Mrs Harry Homewood of Duncan, BC, Mrs James McCrae of Port Alice, BC, Mrs John McCallum of Nanaimo, BC, Mrs John Walker and Mrs C. W. Oliver of Vancouver; several grandchildren including three grandsons in the R.C.A.F., Robert Homewood, Jeffrey McCrae and Jack Walker; and one brother, Kenneth J. Robison, Vancouver.
The funeral was held on Saturday in Vancouver West, with Dr. McCall of St. Andrew's Wesley United Church officiating, Mr Robison having been a faithful member of that church for many years. Dr. McCall referred to the many good qualities of the deceased and a good life fittingly ended. The pallbearers were Kenneth, Jeffrey and Roy Robison, John McCallum, John Walker and A. McMillan. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Burial was made in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery beside a little daughter Clara, who died several years ago.
He married Emily Rebekah Little, daughter of Matthew Little & Isabel Hay, 29 Apr 1885 in Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt . Born 7 Sep 1866 in Harvey. Died 2 Dec 1950 in Vancouver, BC.
Witnesses to marriage were James Little and Margaret Robison.
Em and Bob lived in Harvey until 1900 or 1901, then moved to Vancouver, BC. They had eight children, seven were born in Harvey and the youngest was born in Greenwood, BC.
(Reg. # 1950-09-010964, BCArchives Microfilm # B13206, GSU Microfilm # 2032634)
They had the following children:
134 i. Levina Jane "Vina" Robison
135 ii. Jeffrey Garnet Robison
136 iii. Nellie Mae Robison
137 iv. Alice Minetta Robison
138 v. Celia Mary Robison
139 vi. Hilda Isabelle Robison
140 vii. Clara Alberta Robison
141 viii. Roy Leslie Robison
31. Jane "Janie" Robison . Daughter of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 24 Oct 1863 in Harvey. Died 19 May 1934 in York Mills, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion United Church.
From newspaper obituary - 1934:
Mrs Robert Little, Well Known Woman Died At Home
The death of Mrs Jane Little, widow of Robert Little occurred at her home York Mills early Saturday morning, May 19.
Mrs Little was born at Harvey Station on October 24, 1863, a daughter of Marshall and Mary Robison, pioneer settlers of Harvey. Following her marriage she moved to York Mills where she has resided since that time. She was well known and very highly regarded and her death will be learned of with deep regret by a large circle of friends. She was a loyal member of the United Church, a life member of the Women's Missionary Society, and an active worker in the sewing circle of the Universalist Church. She is survived by one son, Clarence Little of York Mills, one grandchild, Miss Anna Little and three brothers, Robert, Kenneth J. and Alex Robison.
She married Robert Archibald Little, son of James Little & Isabella "Belle" Herbert, 2 Apr 1884 in York Co., NB By Robert Nevin, Presbyterian . Born 22 Feb 1859. Died 29 Mar 1929 in York Mills. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Sawmill, Shingle Mill, Butter Tubs.
Witnesses to marriage were Thomas H. Little and Margaret Robinson.
Robert operated the saw mill at Upper York Mills, he installed a homemade rotary saw, which he used for years. He also had a shingle machine, and later made butter tubs. His son Clarence worked in the mill with him, and they also raised silver foxes.
From newspaper obituary - 1929:
Robert A. Little
Well Known Resident of York Mills Passes Away in Seventieth Year.
Apr 3 -- The death of Robert A. Little occurred at home, York Mills, on March 29 following an illness of several months. He was seventy years of age. For several years he had owned and operated a mill at York Mills, where he manufactured butter tubs, boards and shingles. He was held in high regard by a large number of friends who will regret to learn of his death.
Mr Little is survived by his wife, one son Clarence, two sisters, Mrs Johnson of Lawrence Station and Mrs J. Nesbitt of Coburn; three brothers, George, Frederick and James, the later a twin, and one grandchild, Miss Anna Little all of York Mills.
They had the following children:
142 i. Archibald "Archie" Little
143 ii. Clarence Little
144 iii. Mary Little
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