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Descendents of Marshall Robison I (1787 - 11 Apr 1862)
and Jane Dickson (1788 - 8 Oct 1871)
Third Immigrant Generation
34. Andrew "Dan" Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 29 Jun 1869 in Harvey. Died 16 Feb 1934 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
2425. Andrew Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 29 Jun 1869 in Harvey. Died 16 Feb 1934 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. He married Frances Miller, daughter of Joseph Miller & Elizabeth McLaughlin, 4 Jul 1899 in Caverhill, NB.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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2445. (Left) Henry and Annie Prescott.
). Andrew b. 29 June 1869, d. 17 Feb 1934 and Francis Robison with Louise as a baby with one unidentified child left over.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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From newspaper obituary - 1934:
A. Robison Dead. Well Known Resident of Harvey Station Dies After Short Illness of Pneumonia.
Harvey Station, Feb 19 -- Many friends of Andrew Robison will learn with regret of his death at his home on Friday, February 16th, following a short illness of pneumonia.
The late Mr Robison was 64 years of age, a son of the late Marshall Robison and Mary his wife, pioneer settlers of Harvey and had lived all his life on the homestead where he was born. He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Frances Miller, four daughters, Mrs Hugh Thomas of McAdam Junction; Mrs John A. Young of Madawaska, Me.; the Misses Ida and Louise Robison at home, and one son, Marshall, also at home, and three grandchildren. A sister, Mrs R. A. Little, York Mills, and three brothers, Robert H. Robison and Kenneth J. Robison of Vancouver, BC, and Alexander Robison of Victoria, BC, also survive.
The funeral from his late home on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock was one of the largest ever seen in this district. An eloquent tribute of the affection and esteem of lifelong friends and neighbours. Rev. Mr. MacKay of the United Church of Canada, officiated. "Crossing The Bar" a favorite selection was rendered as a solo by Purdy Cougle, a mixed quartette sang "Rock of Ages". The pallbearers were James Robison, Kenneth Robison, Lewis Herbert, Richard Tucker, Gilbert Robison and Robert Dorcas. Interment was made in the Manners Sutton Cemetery.
He married Frances Miller, daughter of Joseph Miller & Elizabeth McLaughlin, 4 Jul 1899 in Caverhill, NB. Born 18 Dec 1876 in Caverhill, NB. Died 22 Oct 1979 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Died 22 Oct 1979, age 102 years, at Harvey Community Hospital.
They had the following children:
145 i. Dorothy Elizabeth Robison
146 ii. Marshall Robison
147 iii. Phyllis Maude Robison
148 iv. Ida Marion Robison
149 v. Gertrude "Louise" Robison
35. Alexander "Alex" Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 18 Feb 1871 in Harvey. Died 21 Jan 1942 in Coquitlam, BC. Buried in Vancouver. Occupation School Teacher, Prospecting & Mining.
2427. Alexander Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 18 Feb 1871 in Harvey. Died 21 Jan 1942 in Coquitlam, BC. Buried in Vancouver. Occupation School Teacher, Prospecting & Mining. He married Effie Zilla Mills and had six children.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007. .
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Had six children: May, Winnifred, Gordon, Eileen, and Muriel; and Robert Norman who died in infancy. All lived on the west coast.
2471. Alexander Robiso (son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 18 Feb 1871 in Harvey. Died 21 Jan 1942 in Coquitlam, BC. Buried in Vancouver.) and his wife Effie Zilla Mills.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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From newspaper obituary - 1942:
Died in Victoria. Alexander Robison, Native of Harvey Station, Had Been in West For Years.
Harvey Station, Jan 26 -- Miss Margaret Robison has received word of the death of her uncle, Alexander Robison, of Victoria, BC, which occurred on Tuesday, Jan 20 at Coquitlam, BC.
Mr Robison was a son of the late Marshall and Mary (Herbert) Robison, pioneer settlers of Harvey Station, one of a family of 13 children. He was born at Harvey Feb 18, 1871, and received his early education at Harvey Superior School. Following his graduation from the Provincial Norman School, Fredericton, he taught school in New Brunswick for several years before removing to British Columbia where for years he was engaged in prospecting and mining. Six years ago, following a trip to the Yukon on a mining project, he was stricken with paralysis and since that time had been a hospital patient. He is survived by his wife in Victoria, BC; four daughters and one son, living in British Columbia and California; and by two brothers, Robert H. and Kenneth J. Robison, of Vancouver. Burial took place on Friday at Vancouver.
He married Effie Zilla Mills.
36. Stephen "Allan" Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 13 Apr 1873 in Harvey. Died 3 Feb 1922 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
2433. Stephen Allan Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 13 Apr 1873 in Harvey. Died 3 Feb 1922 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. He married Catherine Isobel "Cassie" McCallum, daughter of Malcolm McCallum & Catherine McKinnon, 1 Mar 1899 in Boston, Mass.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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Allan graduated from Kerr's Business College in Saint John then went to Boston, Mass. Unable to find clerical work he settled for construction and for several years he worked in Lynn, Chelsea and other cities near Boston. In 1899 he was married and stayed on until 1905 when he decided to return to Harvey with a wife and two daughters. He bought the house owned by his brother-in-law Robert Grieve and lived in it until 1916 when he built a house, later owned by his youngest daughter Margaret Robison. About 1918 he purchased the Robison House at Harvey Station, changing the name to Brunswick House.
From newspaper obituaries - 1922:
Stephen A. Robison
Harvey Station, Feb 3 -- Stephen Allen Robison, Proprietor of the Brunswick House here, died at his home this morning at an early hour after an illness of some months from cancerous tumor of the stomach. He went to Boston last fall for a special treatment but did not succeed in staying the progress of the disease, which finally carried him away. He was a son of Marshall Robison, one of the early settlers of this place, and was in the forty-ninth year of his age. He is survived by his wife and three daughters and one son. Two of his daughters, Mary and Mabel, were grown up and assisted with the hotel. He is also survived by six brothers and three sisters. His brothers are William and Andrew Robison, residing here; Frederick, residing in Boston; Robert, Alexander and Kenneth Robison, residing in the west. His sisters are Mrs Isabel Dorr, of Camden, Me.; Mrs Robert A. Little, of York Mills, and Mrs David G. Taylor, of Medford, Mass. All his sisters were with him when he died. His brother-in-law, David G. Taylor, also was with him when he died. He was a brother of Thomas Robison, who was formerly M.P.P. for York county, and succeeded him in the hotel business. He was a man of genial disposition and had many warm friends.
He married Catherine Isobel "Cassie" McCallum, daughter of Malcolm McCallum & Catherine McKinnon, 1 Mar 1899 in Boston, Mass. Born 15 May 1871 in Whycocomagh, N.S. Died 1 Jun 1962 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Cassie died 1 Jun 1962, age 91 yr 17 days, at Harvey Community Hospital.
From newspaper obituary - 1962:
Mrs S. A. Robison
Harvey -- The funeral of Mrs S. A. Robison was held from St. James United Church here with service conducted by Rev. William L. Randall assisted by Rev. S. R. Jackson and the church choir. Pallbearers were Gilbert Robison, Edwin Robison, Douglas Robison, Claude Little, Jack Coburn and George Brown. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery.
One of Harvey's oldest residents, she was born at Whycocomagh, Cape Breton, in 1871, a daughter of the late Malcolm and Katherine (McKinnon) McCallum. Following the marriage to Mr Robison, they operated the Brunswick Hotel in Harvey Station and following the death of Mr Robison, she continued as proprietoress until the hotel was destroyed by fire in 1926.
She was a member of the Scotch Presbyterian Church in Boston and a regular attendant of St. James United Church here until her health failed. She was a member of the Ladies' Sewing Circle and the Women's Auxiliary of St. James Church here.
Surviving are one son, Kenneth of Coldbrook; four daughters, Mrs R. G. Blair, Hillsdale, NJ, Mrs Coburn, Mrs James Ritchie and Margaret Robison, all of Harvey; eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
They had the following children:
150 i. Mary Adelaide Robison
151 ii. Mabel Kathryn Robison
152 iii. Jeanette Elizabeth Robison
153 iv. Kenneth McCallum Robison
154 v. Margaret Taylor Robison
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