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Descendents of Marshall Robison I (1787 - 11 Apr 1862)
and Jane Dickson (1788 - 8 Oct 1871)
Third Immigrant Generation
54. Eleanor "Ellen" Robison . Daughter of Stephen Robison & Eleanor "Jane" Herbert. Born 7 May 1865 in Harvey. Died 18 Jul 1934 in Harvey. Buried in Acton Cemetery. Religion United Church Of Canada.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1934:
Death Regretted. Mrs Ellen Hunter Loved by All Who Knew Her--Many at Funeral.
Harvey Station, July 25 -- There passed to her eternal reward on Wednesday, July 18th, a much beloved citizen of this community in the person of Mrs Ellen Hunter, widow of the late James A. Hunter and eldest daughter of the late Stephen and Jane (Herbert) Robison of Harvey. She was in the 70th year of her age.
Of a kind and loving disposition and possessed of a staunch faith and a great love for all things good, she will be greatly missed by young and old and her Christian influence will long be felt by those who were privileged to be her friends. She was a devoted member of the United Church of Canada.
Besides her husband, two sons predeceased her, Albert, who died in babyhood and Alfred S., who paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. There are left to mourn one son, Charles W., Brownville Junction, Me., one daughter, Miss Dora M., who tenderly and devotedly cared for her mother through years of partial invalidism; one little grand-daughter, Jean Hunter, Brownville Junction; two brothers, Charles Robison, Harvey, N.B. and Albert Robison, Toronto; and two sisters, Mrs M. S. Tracy, Calgary, Alta., and Mrs J. A. Saunders, Portland, Maine.
The funeral, which was largely attended, was held Friday afternoon from her late home, with services conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. MacKay. Two hymns, Rock of Ages and Peace, Perfect Peace were sung by a mixed quartette and No Night There was sung as a solo by P. Cougle.
Interment took place in the family lot in the Acton Cemetery. The pall bearers were four nephews of the deceased, Ernest Hunter, Gilbert Robison, Ronald Hunter and Willard Davis.
The profusion of beautiful flowers bore mute testimony of the love and sympathy of relatives and friends.
She married James Alfred Hunter, son of William Hunter & Mary Jane Duncan, 19 May 1887 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records By J. A. McLean . Born 8 Dec 1860 in Smithfield, York Co., NB. Died 16 Aug 1921 in Harvey. Buried in Acton Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Joseph Robinson and Lizzie Hunter.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1921:
James A. Hunter
Harvey Station, Aug 17 -- James A. Hunter, a much respected resident of this place, died at his home here at an early hour yesterday after an illness of several months from cancer. He had been in poor health since the winter but his condition was not thought to be serious until the spring, when he went to the hospital at Fredericton for treatment. It was then found that his condition was hopeless. He returned home several weeks ago and has lingered longer than was expected. He was the second son of William Hunter, one of the pioneers of Kingsclear, and was about sixty years old. He is survived by his wife and one son and an adopted daughter. His son is Charles Hunter and his daughter is Miss Dora Hunter, both residing here. He is survived also by his aged mother, who is in her ninety-second year; four brothers and three sisters. His brothers are S. B. Hunter, M.P.P., William Hunter, Albert Hunter, of this place, and John Hunter, residing in British Columbia, all of whom were with him when he died. His sisters are Mrs Richard Davis, of this place; Mrs H. Gibbons, of Bayswater (N.B.), and Mrs Jesse Strum, of Yonkers (Sask.) One of his sons, Alfred Hunter, was killed in Flanders during the late war. The funeral was held here today and was conducted by Rev. M. J. Macpherson, of Stanley.
They had the following children:
207 i. Charles William Hunter
208 ii. Alfred Stephen Hunter born 28 Sep 1894, Harvey, and died 2 June 1916, WWI, Defence of the Ypres Salient.
209 iii. Albert Lancelot Hunter
210 iv. Dora Mabel Hunter (Adopted)
55. George Robison . Son of Stephen Robison & Eleanor "Jane" Herbert. Born 19 May 1867 in Harvey. Died 4 Apr 1934 in Lethbridge, Alberta. Occupation C.P.R. Employee.
George and his wife Margaret Embleton had eight children, all born in New Brunswick. George was employed with the C.P.R., and they moved to Lethbridge, Alberta in the spring of 1911, where they lived until their death. Their children were: Isabel, Alma, Herman, Norman, Millard, Jessie, Nellie and Douglas.
Large format crayon portrait of five female generations of Isabel Embleton and her descendants taken ca. 1889 based on apparent age of infant Isabel Robison. Those in the photo, descending down the family tree, are: (Far right) Isabella Embleton (b. 9 Jun, 1804 (Haugh Head near Wooler) - 16 Feb 1892 Harvey Station, wife of Thomas Herbert; (third from right) Margaret Ann Herbert (b. 19 Jul 1825 - d. 10 Jan 1913), wife of David Little; (second from right) Isabel Little (b. 20 Jun 1845 - d. 18 Mar 1905), wife of James Embleton; (Far left) Margaret "Maggie" Embleton (b. 19 Jan 1867 - d. 25 Jul 1952), wife of George Robison; (Infant) Isabel Robison (b. 9 Jan. 1888 - d. 18 Dec 1918 of Spanish Flu). Source: Ian Herbert, 2006. |
Excerpt from newspaper obituary - 1934:
George Robison, 16 Years Elder Knox Church, Passes.
The death occurred at the residence, 2004 Seventh Avenue S., on Wednesday, of George Robison, aged 66 years, a citizen of this city since 1911. Born on May 19, 1867 at Harvey Station, NB, deceased was in the employ of the C.P.R. for 20 years and came to the west in the spring of 1911, arriving in Lethbridge on April 15 of that year. On April 27, 1887, deceased was married to Margaret Embleton of Harvey Station, NB, and to this union eight children were born. Two sons, Millard and Norman were killed overseas during the war, and a daughter, Isabelle passed away during the 'flu epidemic 1918.
Besides his widow deceased leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, Mrs B. B. Hoyt, Mrs Geo Watson and Nellie all of this city, and two sons, Douglas of Lethbridge, and Herman of Medicine Hat. (Rest of clipping is missing.)
"Maggie" Embleton's grandson Dr. G. Alan Robison provided the following anecdote to accompany the above photograph of her doing laundry in 1942 in Waterton, Alberta. The photograph was taken "just behind what I've often referred to as 'our' cottage but which really belonged to Aunt Alma, so it's more properly referred to as the Hoyt cottage. It was just across the street from where we had the picnic at the 2003 (Robison) reunion. We had electricity in Lethbridge back in 1942, and Grandma had a washing machine there, but the cottage in Waterton didn't get electrified until many years later. The fact that we had to use kerosene lamps for light and a wood-burning stove to cook was part of the charm for us kids, and we could never understand why our mother was never thrilled by the place. I have to admit, though, that I was never too enthusiastic about having to use the outhouse, which was also the home of a black widow spider. At least nobody ever wasted a lot of time in there. We were temporarily living with Grandma Robison back in those days, so that 1942 picture of her is pretty much the way I remember her, and it brought back a lot of memories, such as her making her own soap out of bacon fat and lye, which I guess a lot of people did in those days." |
For further information on this family see page 103, "The Little Family of Harvey Settlement 1786-1992."
He married Margaret "Maggie" Embleton, daughter of James Embleton & Isabella Little, 27 Apr 1887 in York Co., NB By Rev. J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 19 Jan 1867 in Harvey. Died 25 Jul 1952 in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Witnesses to marriage were Joseph Robinson and Jane Embleton.
They had the following children:
211 i. Elizabeth "Isabel" Robison b. 9 Jan. 1888 - d. 18 Dec 1918 of Spanish Flu
212 ii. Alma Jane Robison 23 Feb 1889 - 25 Aug 1971
213 iii. Herman Stephen Robison 24 No 1891 - 20 Aug 1967
214 iv. Norman James Robison 17 Aug 1893 - 29 Sep. 1918, WWI, Cambrai
215 v. Millard Joseph Robison 16 Apr. 1897 - 19 Nov. 1917, WWI, post-Passchendaele.
216 vi. Jessie Margaret Robison 15 May 1899 - 3 Jul 1979, Lethbridge, AB
217 vii. Nellie Christina Robison 20 May 1901 - 25 Jul 1979
218 viii. Douglas Charles Robison 29 Oct 1906 - 19 Apr 1969
Elizabeth "Isabel" Robison (b. 9 Jan. 1888 - d. 18 Dec 1918 of Spanish Flu; left) and her sister Alma Jane Robison (right and behind) before she married her future husband, Bert Hoyt. Source: Nephew, G. Alan Robison, Feb. 2007.
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