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Descendents of Marshall Robison I (1787 - 11 Apr 1862)
and Jane Dickson (1788 - 8 Oct 1871)
Second Immigrant Generation
4. Dorothy Robison . Daughter of Marshall Robison I & Jane Dickson. Died Before 1842 in England.
Died at 15 years, buried in England.
5. Marshall Robison . Son of Marshall Robison I & Jane Dickson. Born 24 Oct 1824 in Hawick, Scotland. Died 11 Jan 1897 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Marshall came to NB in 1842 with his parents and siblings with the exception of his brother William Robison who arrived in NB in 1837 with the first settlers of Harvey Settlement.
The 1861 Census shows that Marshall owned or occupied 75 acres improved and 330 acres unimproved land. He had one horse, 6 milch cows, 4 other neat cattle, 12 sheep and 4 swine. Produced 400 lb. pork slaughtered, 550 lb. butter, 46 lb. wool, 20 bu. timothy seed, and grew hay, oats, buckwheat, turnip and potatoes.
He married Mary Herbert, daughter of Thomas Herbert & Isabel Embleton, 1 Nov 1853 in Fredericton By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 1 Feb 1834 in Colgate Hill, Parish Of Ilderton, England. Christen in Wooler Presbyterian Church, Tower Hill, England. Died 17 Jun 1915 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
2451. Undated informal photograph of and elderly Mary Herbert Robison (Mary Herbert, daughter of Thomas Herbert & Isabel Embleton, 1 Nov 1853 in Fredericton By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 1 Feb 1834 in Colgate Hill, Parish Of Ilderton, England. Christen in Wooler Presbyterian Church, Tower Hill, England. Died 17 Jun 1915 in Harvey).
Wife of Marshall Robison (Son of Marshall Robison I & Jane Dickson. Born 24 Oct 1824 in Hawick, Scotland).
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Stephen Robinson, Mary Ann Shay and John Rutherford.
In 1907 Mary travelled to British Columbia to visit sons Bob, Alex and Ken.
From newspaper obituary - 1915:
Mrs Mary Robison
The death at Harvey Station on the 17th of Mrs Mary Robison, widow of the late Marshall Robison, removes one of the most highly respected and oldest residents of this part of the country, being 81 years of age. She died at her home after a lingering and painful illness from gangrene. About four years ago it became necessary to have one leg amputated on account of this disease. In spite of this great affliction she continued to be quite active until about eight months ago, when gangrene became rooted in her other foot and gradually spread through her system, causing a very painful death. She was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thos Herbert, having come here with her parents from England in the year 1837, when she was but three years of age. She was a woman possessed of great kindliness, strength of character and executive ability, and never considered any task heavy when performed for those she loved. Of thirteen children, ten survive her. They are Andrew, William and Allan, of Harvey Station; Frederick, of New Haven, Mass.; Robert, Alexander and Kenneth, of Vancouver, BC; Mrs Robt. A. Little, of York Mills; Mrs John Dore, of Stockton Springs, and Mrs David G. Taylor, of Boston, Mass.
One sister, Mrs Jane Robison, of Harvey Station, also survives. The funeral services were held on Friday at her late home at 3.30 o'clock, the officiating clergyman being Rev. J. F. McKay, of Harvey Station.
They had the following children:
26 i. Marshall Robison
27 ii. Thomas Robison
28 iii. William Robison
29 iv. Isabelle "Belle" Robison
30 v. Robert Herbert Robison
31 vi. Jane "Janie" Robison
32 vii. James Robison
33 viii. Margaret Robison
34 ix. Andrew "Dan" Robison
35 x. Alexander "Alex" Robison
36 xi. Stephen "Allan" Robison
37 xii. James "Frederick" Robison
38 xiii. Kenneth Johnson Robison
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