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Descendents of Marshall Robison I (1787 - 11 Apr 1862)
and Jane Dickson (1788 - 8 Oct 1871)
Third Immigrant Generation
37. James "Frederick" Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 18 Feb 1876 in Harvey. Died 1 Oct 1923 in Boston, Mass. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
2435. Undated photograph of James Frederick Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 18 Feb 1876 in Harvey. Died 1 Oct 1923 in Boston, Mass. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. He married Susan Robinson.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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Fred went to Boston and had an excellent job with Enterprise Rubber Company. He later drifted around various places in Maine. He worked for a time on a cruise ship and later enlisted in the Canadian Army in World War I. He enlisted as a private but became a sergeant. After the war he was in Harvey for some then, then he returned to Boston where he died in 1923.
From newspaper obituary - 1923:
Died At Boston. James F. Robison, Formerly of Harvey, Died at Boston and Buried Yesterday at Harvey.
Harvey, NB, Oct 5 -- The remains of the late James Frederick Robison, son of the late Mr and Mrs Marshall Robison, of Harvey, arrived on the Boston train today from Boston and were taken to St. James Presbyterian church. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Hugh McLean and interment was made in the Harvey cemetery.
The late Mr Robison was born and educated in Harvey and removed to Boston about twenty-five years ago, where he has resided for the past number of years.
The late Mr Robison was fifty-seven years of age and was a son of the late Mary and Marshall Robison who were among the first settlers here and was one of a family of 13 children.
He is survived by three sisters, Mrs Daniel Taylor, of Boston; Mrs Isabell Dorr, of Camden, Maine; Mrs Robert Little, York Mills, and five brothers, Robert and Kenneth Robison, of Vancouver; Alexander, of Victoria; Andrew and William at home. The late S. Allan and Thomas Robison, M.L.A. were brothers of the deceased.
He married Susan Robinson.
38. Kenneth Johnson Robison . Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 22 Mar 1879 in Harvey. Died 19 Dec 1956 in BC. Occupation Insurance, Real Estate.
2437. Kenneth Johnson Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 22 Mar 1879 in Harvey. Died 19 Dec 1956 in BC. Occupation Insurance, Real Estate. He married Mary Ross, Oct 1950.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario.. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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Kenneth graduated from Provincial Normal School and went to Boston to work. About 1900 he decided to go to Vancouver where he remained. He was a Notary Public and had a good business in insurance and real estate. He was over 70 when he married a widow, Mary Ross.
He married Mary Ross, Oct 1950.
2463. Undated portrait photograph of Kenneth Johnson Robison. Son of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert. Born 22 Mar 1879 in Harvey. Died 19 Dec 1956 in BC. Occupation Insurance, Real Estate. He married Mary Ross, Oct 1950.
Source: Collection of David Robison, Ottawa, Ontario. Rephotographed by Tim Patterson 13 June 2007.
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39. Margaret Jane Coburn . Daughter of William Cockburn (Coburn) & Jane Robison. Born 9 Mar 1845 in Harvey. Christen 22 Jun 1845 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 29 Jan 1930 in Vancouver. BC. Buried in Nanaimo Cemetery, BC.
Margaret died in Vancouver 29 Jan 1930, at age 84 years. (BCArchives #13139. GSU #1952854.)
Obituary from newspaper - 1930:
Late Mrs Gartley, 58 Years in BC. Resided on Vancouver Island 23 Years, Returning to Vancouver in 1905.
Nearly fifty-eight years ago when settlement started on the south shore of Burrard Inlet and the little town of Moodyville was in its heyday, Mrs George Gartley, a bride from Fredericton, NB, arrived with her husband. Her death on Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs T. Tellefsen, 1745 East First, marks the passing of one of the foremost links with the history of the province and the termination of a career which has witnessed the transformation of a few scattered settlements to the dignity of a province.
Mrs Gartley was well-known on Vancouver Island, where she resided a number of years, as well as in Vancouver where she had made her home for the past twenty-five years. She was long active in circles of the Presbyterian Church.
One of a family of fifteen, she was born at Fredericton. In her home town she married George Gartley and the young couple were soon attracted to the West and arrived at Moodyville in 1872.
Here Mr Gartley established a logging business and supplied logs to the Moodyville sawmill. After several years in the mill town they moved to Vancouver Island and took up residence on a promontory near Comox, later known as Gartley's Point. The next twenty-three years were spent on the Island and it was here that Mrs Gartley witnessed and participated in the privations and hardships of pioneers. Her trip to Vancouver Island was made in a rowboat.
About 1905 she came to Vancouver with her husband.
Mrs Gartley is survived by Mrs Tellefsen and two other daughters, Mrs William Dornberg, Mrs Douglas Grant, both of Vancouver, and five sons, Albert, Ernest, Byron, Howard and Nelson. Numerous grandchildren also survive. Mr Gartley died twelve years ago.
The funeral was held at 3 p.m. from Harron Bros. & Williamson's chapel and burial was in the family plot at Nanaimo Cemetery, Nanaimo.
She married George Gartley, son of John Gartley & Mary Sanderson, 11 Jul 1871 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By John M. Brooke . Born 1842 in Magaguadavic, NB. Died 14 Aug 1917 in Vancouver, BC. Buried in Nanaimo Cemetery, BC.
Witnesses to marriage were John F. Cockburn and Femaline Gartley.
George and his wife Margaret and their first child moved to British Columbia in 1872, and first lived in Vancouver, then moved to Royston on Vancouver Island. After a few years, they moved and made their home in Nanaimo, BC. In the early 1900's, George and Margaret moved to Vancouver.
( A story told by family relatives is that "there is a picture of George Gartley hanging in the B.C. Legislative Building as he travelled to BC from NB in a covered wagon". Unable to confirm.)
From son Ernest Gartley's obituary (1943):
"Ernest Gartley, 71, pioneer of BC and member of the Salvation Army, died at his home at 238 East Sixth. Born at Harvey Station, York County, NB, he came to Victoria by way of San Francisco in 1872 with his parents and finally settled in Moodyville, where his father was employed as spar-hewer and bull-puncher.
"Mr Gartley (his father), to be able to realize his ambition to be a farmer, was given 100 acres of land in Vancouver by Mr Moody. However, he considered the land too stumpy for cultivation, and he returned the deed. The center of the 100 acres is now the site of the Vancouver Courthouse.
"Mr Gartley and his family moved shortly afterward and settled at Comox, at a place known as Gartley Point, and were at one time threatened with revolt and massacre by the 5000 Indians living there."
There is a picture of the George Gartley family, Nanaimo, taken in 1908, in which there are eleven people--seven males and four females.
George died in Vancouver at age 75 years, 14 Aug 1917. (BCArchives # B13102. GSU # 1927130.)
They had the following children:
155 i. Ernest Lesley Gartley
156 ii. Byron Crawford "Barney" Gartley
157 iii. Femaline Gartley
158 iv. Albert George Gartley
159 v. John Gartley
160 vi. Walter Gartley
161 vii. William Earl Gartley
162 viii. Howard Francis Gartley
163 ix. Hattie Jessie L. Gartley
164 x. Nelson David Gartley
165 xi. Teressa Nason "Tessie" Gartley
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