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10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, Index
Descendents of John Wightman (Jun 1789 – 13 Jan 1867)
and Mary Davison (1795 – 19 Aug 1871)
Second Immigrant Generation Continued...
5. Elizabeth "Bessie" Wightman. Daughter of John Wightman & Mary Davison. Born 4 Mar 1831 Howtel, Northumberland, England.
From the Crookham Presbyterian register (microfiche, Berwick-Upon-Tweed Records Office):
p. 78 WEIGHTMAN. 14 March 1831 Elizabeth daughter of John Weightman, Carter, Howtel, & his wife Mary, daughter of Mathew Davidson, was born 4 March 1831.
Died 15 Jun 1901 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Undated image of Elizabeth "Bessie" Wightman. b. 4 Mar 1831, Howtel, Northumberland, England; d. 15 Jun 1901, Harvey, York Co., NB.
From newspaper obituary - undated:
Entered into Rest
Death of Mrs John Rutherford of Tweedside, leaving many mourning friends.
It is with deep regret that the many friends learn of the death of Mrs Rutherford, of Tweedside, York County, which sad event occurred on Saturday last, after an illness of several years duration, although the end came with startling suddenness. The deceased lady was the widow of the late Squire John Rutherford of Tweedside, so well and favourably known both in Fredericton and throughout York County, not only in connection with the municipal Board, with which he was for a number of years connected, but also for the high esteem in which he was held by the community generally. His death occurred in December last. Mrs Rutherford came to this Country with her family from Northumberland County, England, some 64 years ago, when but a child of six years, and settled in Tweedside, when that now fine settlement was an almost unbroken forest. She afterwards became the wife of the late John Rutherford and a family of four sons and two daughters were born to them. Three sons and two daughters remain to mourn their irreparable loss. The late Mrs Rutherford was a kind and loving mother and a sincere Christian lady, and was ever a worthy helpmate for his husband and lived to see great changes in the country of her adoption. The bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of their many friends.
She married John Rutherford, son of James Rutherford & Isabella Russell, 25 Dec 1854. Born 19 Jul 1831 in Eng. Died 21 Dec 1900 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
3 July 1871 - Colonial Farmer, Fredericton: "John Rutherford of Tweedside left here last Tuesday morn. for England to visit his native place."
28 Aug 1871 - Colonial Farmer, Fredericton: "We have received the "Berwick Journal" of August 4 from which we learn that our friend John Rutherford of Tweedside, Manners Sutton (York Co.), N.B., who is at present on a visit to his native place was present at the "Tweedside Kettle" held at Yarrow Haugh on the previous Wednesday. (See original)"
Friday, Aug 4, 1871, page 3, The Berwick Journal and General Advertiser:
"Tweedside Kettle -- This annual kettle was held at Yarrow Haugh on Wednesday afternoon, and compared with former years was a decided success. There were upwards of 50 gentlemen present, among whom were three gentlemen, natives of Tweedside from America. Mr Gray of the Pack Horse, Church Street, was the purveyor, and in saying that the provision of salmon, lamb, and the etceteras, was of first rate quality, and in great abundance, we are only endorsing the opinion of all who were present. Dinner was served at three o'clock, the chairman of committee, Mr W. Jurden, presiding, and the vice-chairmen being Mr J. Duncan and R. Craik. After justice had been done to the goods they provided the company adjourned to the green award, where quoiting and other games were engaged in with great spirit. An hour spent in this manner, and the company again assembled to the tent, where the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and enthusiastically drank. Mr T. H. Pattison replying for the Volunteers. The chairman gave "Tweedside Kettle," Mr Duncan replying. "The Town Council of Berwick" was given by Mr R. Craik, and replied to by Alderman Smith and Councillor Turner. Mr Stafford gave "Both sides of the Tweed" to which Mr John Russell replied. "The shipping Interests of the Port," was given by Mr R. Holmes, and replied to by Mr Riddell, jun. "The Agriculture Interest" by Mr Macgregor, replied to by Mr John Marshall. "The town and Trade of Berwick" by Mr J. Rutherford, replied to by Mr R. Rutherford. "The Ladies" by Mr John Russell, replied to by Mr Geo Moor. "The Strangers" by Mr Scott (Spittal), replied to by Mr T. Russell, from America. "Mr Rutherford from America" by Mr G. F. Stevens, replied to by Mr Rutherford. "The Committee" by Mr Turner, replied to by the Chairman. "The Press" by Mr Holmes, replied to by Mr G. F. Stevens, Berwick Journal; and "To our next Merry Meeting" by the Chairman. The Committee were re-appointed with the addition of Mr Holmes and Geo Moor. A very pleasant day was spent."
Copied from newspaper obituary - undated:
Death Roll
Ex Warden John Rutherford of Manners Sutton Passed Away.
The death occurred at his home at Tweedside, Harvey, on Friday evening last, of Mr John Rutherford, one of the most active and influential men of the parish. Death resulted from an attack of pneumonia. He was 70 years of age and leaves to mourn an invalid widow, three sons, John and Charles at home and James who resides in the parish and two daughters, Mrs John Swan of Tweedside and Miss Isabelle Rutherford of Brownville Junction. Mrs John Harvey of this city is a sister of the late Mr Rutherford.
The funeral took place at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon.
The late Mr Rutherford was a native of Tweedside, England and came to New Brunswick about 50 years ago, settling in the parish of Manners Sutton at the place which was named after his native town. He was a progressive and energetic farmer and soon gained competency. He was an active member of the Church and Sunday School, filled many positions of responsibility and trust and was ever at the front and lent his assistance to all good works. He represented the Parish of Manners Sutton at the County Council for a number of years, and was warden of the municipality for two or three terms.
They had the following children:
33 i. Mary Simpson Rutherford
34 ii. James Rutherford
35 iii. Philis Russell Rutherford
36 iv. Thomas Russell Rutherford
37 v. Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Rutherford
38 vi. Isabella Rutherford
39 vii. John M. Rutherford
40 viii. George Rutherford
41 ix. George "Charles" Rutherford